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James Simonds Prize

Initially awarded in 1930, the James Simonds Prize was for the best essay on a specific historical subject, to be announced at Encaenia. After 1975, the criteria changed to allow the prize to be awarded for an outstanding essay on any historical subject.

Year Name Student of Title of essay Held at UNB Archives
1930 James Albert Trites UNB Fredericton   No
1931 J. W. Bernard UNB Fredericton "The Development of the Lumber Industry on the Saint John Rover to 1850" No
1932 Gerald A. Sansom UNB Fredericton "A History of Railways in New Brunswick" No
1933 W. Raymond Foster

Donald Ross

UNB Fredericton "A History of the Shipbuilding Industry in New Brunswick" No


1934 David Ross UNB Fredericton "The Miramichi Fire of 1825 and its Results" No
1935 Jack H. Thurrott UNB Fredericton "A History of the Settlement at St. Anne's Point until 1785" Yes
1936 Jack H. Thurrott UNB Fredericton "Pioneer Agriculture in New Brunswick" Yes
1937 Jack H. Thurrott & Gerald H. Waring UNB Fredericton "The Seigniorial System in New Brunswick Before 1713" Yes
1938 Jack H. Thurrott UNB Fredericton "The Influence of the United Empire Loyalists on Government in New Brunswick, 1784-1790" Yes
1939 Not awarded     No
1940 George A. McAllister UNB Fredericton "Public Opinion in New Brunswick Concerning Constitutional Reform, 1837-1849" Yes
1941 James E. Morrow UNB Fredericton "Intellectual Leaders of New Brunswick in the 19th Century"  
1942 Constance E. Murray & Harris E. D. Videto UNB Fredericton "Sir Howard Douglas as Governor of New Brunswick" Yes
1943 Frances (Firth) Gammon UNB Fredericton "The Purpose and Place of History in the School Curriculum" Yes
1944 Robert S. McGowan UNB Fredericton "The Geographical Influence Upon the Development of the Maritimes Provinces" Yes
1945 George E. Boyd UNB Fredericton "James Simonds and the World he lived in" No
1946 James M. Wheatley UNB Fredericton "A History of the Project for a Chignecto Ship Railway" Yes
1947 Jeon J. Loggie UNB Fredericton "A History of Scientific Enterprise and Discovery in New Brunswick" Yes
1948 Arthur J. Blakeney UNB Fredericton "Political Issues in New Brunswick in the Laurier Era, 1896-1911" Yes
1949 Not awarded   Assigned topic: N.B.'s part in the Reciprocity Movement of 1911 No
1950 Frederick C. Allen UNB Fredericton "The Compact Theory of Confederation" Yes
1951 Not awarded   Assigned topic: The Governship of the Honorable Arthur Hamilton Gordon` No
1952 Bernard J. Scott UNB Fredericton "The Influence of Imperialism on English Historical Writing in the 19th Century" No
1953 Joan Goodfellow UNB Fredericton "The Emergence of a Distinctly Canadian Foreign Policy in the 20th Century" Yes
1954 Gertrude E. Gunn UNB Fredericton "Canada and the Boer War" Yes
1955 J. Ian Watson UNB Fredericton "Conscription as an Issue in Federal politics in 1917-1919" Yes
1956 Noval E. Balch UNB Fredericton "The Canadian Election of 1891" No
1957 Neil Mulvaney UNB Fredericton "The Alaskan Boundary Dispute" Yes
1958 Luigi G. Blink UNB Fredericton "Britain's Relations with Palestine, 1917-1948" Yes
1959 Timothy W. Arnold UNB Fredericton "British Parliamentary Opinion of the Russian Revolution" No
1960 Not awarded     No
1961 Glenna Ruth Geldart UNB Fredericton "The French-Canadian Contributions to the Achievement of Responsible Government" Yes
1962 Dominik Stuart Graham, Lewis Henry Morgan, & Tom Ewart Monteith UNB Fredericton "Plans for British Imperial Reorganization 1754-1778" No
1963 Ellen Joanne Rowley UNB Fredericton "Maximillian in Mexico" Yes
1964 Peter Job Roberts UNB Fredericton "The Charlottetown Conference" Yes
1965 Ivan James Saunders UNB Fredericton "Sir Robert Borden as a War Time Prime Minister" Yes
1966 Elaine Mitchell Unknown "The Background and Development of Movements of Social Protests in Canada, 1918-1939" Yes
1967 George William Kitchen Unknown "The Impeachment of President Andrew Johnson" No
1968 Brian Charles Thomas Cook Unknown "The Boxer Rebellion in the Light of the Influence of the Imperialist Powers on China" Yes
1969 Not awarded     No
1970 Not awarded     No
1971 Not awarded     No
1972 Douglas A. Sare Unknown "American Foreign Policy: The Marshall Mission" Yes
1973 Not awarded     No
1974 Mary E. Atcheson UNB Fredericton "Marxism in the Twentieth Century" Yes
1975 Donald C. VanWart UNB Fredericton "Lenin and the Theories of Bolshevism: An Analysis of the Relationship Between Ideas and Personality" Yes
1976 Donald F. Smith UNB Fredericton "Le Chef and Uncle Louis" Yes
1977 Joan M. Grant UNB Fredericton "Burke and the American and French Revolutions" Yes
1978 Paul R. Cassidy Unknown "Islam, Christianity and the Nigerian Civil War" Yes
1979 Pamela B. Saunders Unknown "The Reaction of Saint John to the National Policy during the Election of 1878" Yes
1980 Alexander Perry Biddiscombe Unknown   No
1981 John Patrick Bingham UNB Fredericton "Ireland as Fiction: An Emergence of Proportion" Yes
1982 Judith A. Webb UNB Fredericton "Stanley Baldwin and the General Strike of 1926" Yes
1983 Carolyn Ann Young Unknown "The Gentry Controversy: Theories and Counter-theories" Yes
1984 John Patrick Bingham UNB Fredericton "Hitler, Poland and Danzig: German Foreign Policy" Yes
1985 Wanda Ruth McNally UNB Fredericton   No
1986 Charles T. French & William John Foley UNB Fredericton "Perceptions of New Brunswick's Economic Prospects in the 1950s" Yes
1987 Diane Joyce Lawrence Unknown "The Elizabethan Church Settlement" Yes
1988 Russell J. Prime UNB Fredericton "Digby's Exodus: A Black and White Experience, 1783-1791" Yes
1989 Charlotte J. Glencross UNB Fredericton "Rosa Luxemburg" Yes
1990 Christopher C. Brittain UNB Fredericton "Building the Trojan Horse: The CEDA and the Moderate Right during the Second Spanish Republic" Yes
1991 Michele Elaine Stairs UNB Fredericton "An Examination of the Influence of Economics on the Electorate of St. David's Parish, Charlotte County, New Brunswick 1846-1854" Yes
1992 Robert MacLeod UNB Fredericton "Working Women in Early Industrial Britain: And Examination of Attitudes in Transition" Yes
1993 Robert MacLeod UNB Fredericton "Women and Paid-Labour: The Nineteenth Century Industrial Experience in a Small New Brunswick Parish" Yes
1994 Elliot Sullivan Unknown "For King and Country: Wales and English Civil War" Yes
1995 Brian Travis UNB Fredericton "The Gentlemen and the Undeserving People of the Saint John River" Yes
1996 Ellen Thorne UNB Fredericton "Women at the New Brunswick Provincial Normal School, 1882-1883" Yes
1997 Kurt William Peacock UNB Fredericton/UNB Saint John   No
1998 Vicki Lyn Hackett Unknown   No
1999 Ronna Leah Ella Unknown   No
2000 Matthew Marc Chapman Milner UNB Fredericton “Wilful Apathy or Astute Descretion? Pius XII and the Holocaust” No
2001 Terence James Chandra Unknown   No
2002 Elliot P. Buckland UNB Fredericton   No
2003 Kevin Charles Plummer UNB Fredericton   No
2004 Shawna Marie Stairs UNB Fredericton   No
2005 Caroline Caverhill Mann UNB Fredericton   No
2006 Julia Catherine Roy Unknown   No
2007 Christiane Gisele Aiton UNB Fredericton   No
2008 Lyle Matthew Skinner Unknown   No
2009 Steven Hansen UNB Fredericton "National Abuse of the Innocent: Studying the Fate of Lebenborn Children in Post-War Norway" No
2010 Cheryl Petreman UNB Fredericton "Thomas Muntzer in Thuringia: Leader of the Commoners' Revolution or Ignored Visionary?" No
2011 Andrew Barrett Unknown   No
2012 Cody Alan Hamilton UNB Fredericton “A Narrow Path to Health: Disciplinary Control in Preventative Medical Theory, 1750-1800” No
2013 Travis Parick Wysote UNB Fredericton   No
2014 Rebecca Danielle Stieva UNB Fredericton "The Best Sort of Smallpox": An Examination of the Gender Roles Produced by Medical Crises in Eighteenth-Century Anglo-America No
2017 Ryan Gallant-Edwards      
