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Eunice White Robertson Memorial Prize

The Eunice White Robertson Memorial Prize is awarded to the woman student who has made a careful investigation of some subject of local history of the Province of New Brunswick selected by the Department of History of the University, and has submitted a competent essay thereon, and has obtained a high standing in the History courses of the Junior level at the university. The essay is the principal criterion of the award, although the student's class standing will also be considered.

Year Name Student of Title of essay Held at UNB Archives
1955 Pauline Saunders UNB Fredericton "Settlement on the Miramichi Yes
1956 Elizabeth Cattley UNB Fredericton   No
1957 Elizabeth Steeves
Gayle Wilson
UNB Fredericton   No
1958 Carolyn Ann MacCollum
M. Joan Young
UNB Fredericton "Rise and fall of wooden shipbuilding on the Atlantic coast in the 19th century"
"History of British North American shipping"
1959 Shirley McPhee UNB Fredericton "The political career of Lemuel Allan Wilmot in the era of responsible government, 1830-1955" Yes
1960 Anneke Deichmann UNB Fredericton "The historic buildings of Fredericton" Yes
1961 Rebecca E. MacVicor UNB Fredericton   No
1962 Carol Ann Seeley UNB Fredericton "British travellers' impressions of New Brunswick" Yes
1963 Joanne Murphy UNB Fredericton "Pre-loyalist era in New Brunswick from 1762-1783" Yes
1964 Angela Walsh UNB Fredericton "The pre-loyalist era in New Brunswick" Yes
1965 Erma P. Allan Unknown "The Intercolonial Railway as a factor in the movement for the union of the provinces" Yes
1966 Carmen P. Cogswell Unknown   No
1967 Kristina Valcuilenas Unknown   No
1968 Nancy A. MacDonald Unknown "New England assault on Louisbourg, 1745" Yes
1969 Catherine R. Cox Unknown "New Brunswick acts to Confederation: opinion in N.B. on Canadian Confederation, 1868-1815" Yes
1970 Avis A. Tatlock Unknown "The value of loyalist poetry as an historical source" Yes
1971 Constance L. Seymour UNB Fredericton "Sacrificed to the wolf: Maritime public opinion of the Treaty of Washington" Yes
1972 Janet Moodie UNB Fredericton "The building of the Atlantic Entrepot, 1805-1815" Yes
1973 Janet McBride Unknown "The New Brunswick school question" Yes
1974 Heather M. Conners Unknown   No
1975 Mary E. Nicholas UNB Fredericton "New Brunswick during the Great Depression, 1930-1935" Yes
1976 Nancy J. Colpitts UNB Fredericton "Who were the Smashers?" Yes
1977 Janet L. Dixon UNB Fredericton "A discussion of the lumbering industry" Yes
1978 S. Miller Unknown   No
1979 Rhonda L. McAllister UNB Fredericton "Equal opportunity" Yes
1980 Not awarded     No
1981 Elizabeth Campbell UNB Fredericton "Prohibition in New Brunswick: why did it fall?" Yes
1982 Carolyn Young UNB Fredericton "A living cell: a study of the development of a residential block in Fredericton" Yes
1983 Ellen Hambrook UNB Fredericton "The rise and fall of Sabbies Mill" Yes
1984 Joanne Spencer UNB Fredericton "Women's organization in New Brunswick between 1870-1820: a significant move towards liberation" Yes
1985 Katherine Biggs UNB Fredericton "Alexander Gibson's enterprise on the Nashwaak" Yes
1986 Not awarded     No
1987 Barbara Buchanan UNB Fredericton "The achievements of the feminist movement to 1920 in New Brunswick" Yes
1988 Janice Cook UNB Fredericton "What happened to the poor in Colonial Maritime society?" Yes
1989 Marilyn Sarchfield Unknown   No
1990 Christina Mullin Unknown   No
1991 Rachel Tanya Brown Unknown   No
1992 Shelly Spencer UNB Fredericton "A Portrait of New Brunswick Representatives in the 1945 Federal Election and their role in the Post World War Reconstruction" Yes
1993 Audrey Marie Cormier Unknown "The Saint John county Almshouse and Workhouse: 1885-1857" Yes
1994 Carla Kelly UNB Fredericton "Creating a National Policy: Fredericton City Council and the Hartt Boot and Shoe Company, 1898-1899" Yes
1995 Kimberley Branch UNB Fredericton "Charlotte: Mother of Tabusintac" Yes
1996 Vanessa Childs Unknown "The Changing role of the Irish in Saint John" Yes
1997 Krista Lee Harquail Unknown   No
1998 Stephanie Grotegut Unknown   No
1999 Donna Lynne Mandeville UNB Fredericton "Proper Spheres and Improper Remuneration: The Feminization of Teaching in Nineteenth-Century Canada" Yes
2000 Unknown      
2001 Caroline Victoria Humar Unknown   No
2002 Natalie Leveille
Wendy Anne Miller
UNB Fredericton   No
2003 Tanya Dawn Daley UNB Fredericton   No
2004 Caroline Mann UNB Fredericton   No
2005 Laura L. Anderson UNB Fredericton   No
2006 Jazmine Belyea UNB Fredericton   No
2007 Rose Lydia Mae Donovan UNB Fredericton    
2008 Rachel Backa UNB Fredericton   No
2009 Not awarded     No
2010 Kelsey O'Brian UNB Fredericton "The Loyalist Environment: The Regulation of Rivers and Harbours in Colonial New Brunswick" Yes
2011 Susan Patricia McAdam UNB Fredericton   No
2012 Chantal Allen
Conor Falvey
UNB Fredericton “The Origins of Moncton”
“‘Hope to finish my sock today’: The Diary of Laura Howland, Lumber Camp Cook, 1941-1942”


2013 Brittany Alexandra Hannah Unknown   No
