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Vice-Presidents (UNBSJ)

UNB Saint John Vice-Presidents

The Vice-President position at UNBSJ was an administrative development which coincided with the desire for growth at UNB Saint John. For the first decade of its existence, UNBSJ was headed by a principal with little control over the institution; most of the financial, academic, and administrative decisions emanated from Fredericton. Inspired by the recommendations of the 1975 Deutsch report, which called for greater administrative autonomy at UNBSJ in light of the ongoing communication difficulties between UNB Fredericton and UNB Saint John, as well as the hope that better organization and a more independent focus for the Saint John campus would result in higher enrollment numbers and a stronger academic curriculum, the position of principal was transformed into the office of the vice-president. This position is intended to allow for increased on-site agency to oversee the UNB Saint John campus and its continued development.

See also: Notable Women at UNB


  • UNBSJ website. Vice-President: History of the Office
  • University Perspectives, "Special Edition: The Deutsch Report," Vol. 2, no. 4, 16 October 1975.
  • Montague, Susan. A Pictorial History of the University of New Brunswick. University of New Brunswick, 1992, pp. 197-217.
  • University Perspectives, vol. 2, no. 9, 15 December 1975, pp.1.
  • UA Case 137