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W. Stewart MacNutt Memorial Lectures

The W. Stewart MacNutt Memorial Lectures honour the late historian, professor, and humanitarian for his work at UNB and his efforts to develop the history of the Atlantic Provinces as a field of study. Beginning in 1983, the lectures were held at both the UNB Fredericton and UNB Saint John campuses.

Year Name of Lecturer Title of Lecture
16 October 1980 Presented by Stuart Pierson; written by David Alexander "Literacy and Economic Development in Nineteenth Century Newfoundland"
15 October 1981 John M. Bumsted "The Household of Edward Jarvis: Victorian Family Life in the Maritime Provinces, 1830-1860"
9-10 February 1983 Alex Colville "An Artist in the Maritimes"
31 January - 1 February 1984 Judith Fingard "Beyond the Halifax Barracks: The Social Context of Late Victorian Army Life"
13, 15 November 1984 Naomi Griffiths "Acadian Perceptions: Perceptions of Acadians"
6-7 November 1985 George Story "A Tune Beyond Us As We Are: Reflections on Newfoundland Song and Ballad"
4, 6 November 1986 George A. Rawlyk "Fundamentalism, Modernism and the Maritime Baptists in the 1920s and 1930s"
19-20 October 1988 Robert H. Babcock "The Saint John Longshoremen, 1880-1922"
15-16 November 1989 Margaret Conrad "Atlantic Regional Protest in Caricature: The Political Cartoons of Donald McRitchie and Robert Chambers"
29-30 October 1990 Peter B. Waite "Out of Albert County: R. B. Bennett Revisited"
5-6 November 1991 Peter Neary "Yanks: How They Influenced the Course of Newfoundland History, 1940-1949"
23, 25 November 1992 Gwendolyn Davies "The World is Hers: Maritime New Women and the Literature of Social Change before World War I"
26-27 October 1993 Rosemary Ommer "100 Years of Fishery Crisis in Newfoundland"
7-8 November 1994 Eric W. Sager "Wooden Ships and Iron Men: The Golden Age of Sail Revisited"
21-22 November 1995 James A. Tuck "A Glimpse at the Colony of Avalon: Lord Baltimore's First New World Plantation"
9-10 October 1996 Ian McKay "Of Karl Marx and the Bluenose: In Search of Maritime Socialism"
12-13 November 1997 William Acheson "Gentlemen, Farmers and Reformers: The Modernization of Agriculture in 19th Century New Brunswick"
27-28 October 1998 Colin D. Howell "Two Outs: Writing about Sport and Maritime History"
19-20 October 1999 Peter Sinclair "Household Labour is Doing Gender: The Sexual Division of Labour on the Bonavista Peninsula, Nfld."
8-9 November 2000 Priscilla Renouf "Ancient Culture, Bountiful Seas: Five Thousand Years of Human Settlement on the Great Northern Peninsula of Newfoundland"
14-15 November 2001 Ian Stewart "New Brunswick and the Elusive Canadian Identity"
16-17 October 2002 John G. Reid "Viola Barnes (1885-1979): The Gender of History and the North Atlantic Mind"
8-9 October 2003 James W. St. G. Walker "The Rights Revolution: Lessons from the Maritimes"
17-18 November 2004 George Elliott Clarke "A. B. Walker and Anna Minerva Henderson: the Forebears of African-New Brunswick Literature"
22-23 November 2005 Anthony T. Charles "Challenge and Change in the Atlantic Coastlines: Communities, Fisheries, and Managing Together"
3-4 October 2006 James K. Hiller "Robert Bond and the Pink, White, and Green Flag: Some Reflections of Newfoundland as a Colony, Dominion, and Province"
29-30 October 2007 Robert Young "Writing - and Not Writing - New Brunswick History"
17-18 November 2008 Suzanne Morton "How Atlantic Canada Invented the Welfare State: Jane B. Wisdom, 1884-1974"
2-3 December 2009 Herménégilde Chaisson "Eclectic Atlantic"
23-24 November 2010 Sylvia Hamilton "When and Where I Enter: History, Film and Memory"
26-27 October 2011 Herb Wyile "No Left-Turn at Tim Horton's: Atlantic Canada and Atlantic-Canadian Literature in the Neoliberal Era"
28-29 November 2012 Linda McQuaig "The Trouble with Billionaires: How Extreme Inequality Thwarts the Common Good’
16-17 October 2013 Sean Cadigan "Boom, Bust and Bluster: The Oil Daze of Newfoundland and Labrador, Atlantic Canada’s 'Have' Province"
29-30 September 2014 Ged Martin

"New Brunswick: Cradle of Confederation"

3 November 2015

Rebecca Dunham "Words are Wanting to Represent the Severity...The Unexpected Discovery of an Eroding 18th Century Mass Grave at the Fortress of Louisbourg"
22 November 2016 Phillip Buckner "Beware the Canadian Wolf?: The Maritimes and Confederation"
28 March 2018 Micah Pawling "Passamaquoddy Waterscapes in the Nineteenth Century: Homelands, Ethnohistory, and Community Engagement"
14 March 2019 Harvey Whitfield "Slave Lives MatterPutting Biography at the Centre of Atlantic Canadian Slavery Studies"
16 February 2021 Shirley Tillotson "A Region of Feeling: Bringing the History of Emotions to Political Economy in Atlantic Canada."
16 March 2023 Daniel Samson “Fashioning a Modern Man: James Barry of Six Mile Brook” 
30 October 2024 Dimitry Anastakis “A ‘Dream Car’ Built in New Brunswick: Malcolm Bricklin's Fantastic SV1 and the End of Industrial Modernity"


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