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Viscount Bennett Memorial Lectures

The Viscount Bennett Lecture Series was established at the UNB Faculty of Law in 1975 under the terms of the will of Viscount Bennett of Mickleham, Calgary and Hopewell. Born at Hopewell Cape, Richard Bedford Bennett (1870-1947) had a long and distinguished career as a lawyer, politician, and statesman, serving as prime minister of Canada form 1930-35. This lecture series promotes greater appreciation of the role of law in contemporary society.

Date Name of Lecturer Title of Lecture
30/31 October 1975 William F. Ryan "The Law Reform Commission of Canada: Some Impressions of a Former Member"
17 October 1977 Lord Hailsham of St. Marylebone "Democracy and Judicial Independence"
7 March 1979 Brian Hogan "Reform of the Law of Homicide"
13 March 1980 Peter W. Hogg "Federalism and the Jurisdiction of Canadian Courts"
27 January 1981 Thomas Berger "Minority Rights and Dissent in Canada"
30 March 1982 John G. Fleming "Drug Injury Compensation Plans"
28 October 1983 Jonathan Aitken "A British View of Canada's Repatriation Efforts"
11 October 1984 Patrick S. Atiyah "Form and Substance in Legal Reasoning: the Case of Contract"
18 October 1985 Gerard V. La Forest "Some Impressions on Judging"
16 October 1986 John L.I.J. Edwards "The Charter, Government and the Machinery of Justice"
15 October 1987 Bernard Schwartz "Fashioning an Administrative Law System"
29 September 1988 Harry Arthurs "Prometheus Unbound: Law in the University"
26 October 1989 Beverley M. McLachlin "The Role of the Court in the Post-Charter Era: Policy-Maker of Adjudicator"
25 October 1990 John D. Whyte "Nations, Minorities and Authority"
14 November 1991 Constance Hunt "The Changing Face of Environment Law and Policy"
5 November 1992 Martin L. Friedland "Canadian Criminal Justice, 1892-1992"
4 November 1993 Albert Levi "Changes in the Political Position of New Brunswick Aboriginal People During the Past 25 years"
3 November 1994 Michael J. Trebilcock "The Fair Trade-Free Trade Debate: Trade, Labour, and the Environment"
16 November 1995 Wendy G. Baker "Women's Diversity: Legal Practice and Legal Education - A View From the Bench"
16 November 1995 Sherene Razack "Beyond Universal Women: Reflections on Theorizing Differences Among Women
7 November 1996 Mary Jane Mossman "Child Support or Support for Children? Rethinking "Public" and "Private" in Family Law
15 January 1998 Peter Cory "General Principles of Charter Exclusion (Exclusion of Conscriptive and Non-Conscriptive Evidence)"
17 February 2000 Ursula Franklin "Liberty, Technology, and Hope"
7 November 2000 David Arnot "Treaties as a Bridge to the Future: The Saskatchewan Model"
27 March 2003 Susan Boyd "Child Custody, Law and Women’s Work"
18 March 2004 Constance Backhouse "(In)Credible Witnesses: The Historical Experience of Sexual Assault Victims Who Testified in Canadian Courts"
10 February 2005 Joseph Arvay "Confessions of a Social Justice Litigator: Lessons Learned, Lessons Shared"
27 October 2005 Kent Roach “Must We Trade Rights for Security?”
5 October 2006 Ian C. Binnie "Science in the Courtroom: The Mouse that Roars"
1 November 2007 Rosalie Silberman Abella "Judging Rights"
12 November 2008 Michel Bastarache "How Internationalization of the Law Has Materialized in Canada"
18 March 2010 Stephen Clarkson “Globalization’s Paradoxical Challenge: Constraint for Canada’s Governments, Opportunities for Canadian Citizens”
22 February 2011 C. Lynn Smith "The Ring of Truth, The Clang of Lies: Assessing Credibility in the Courtroom"
27 October 2011 Thomas Cromwell "Access to Justice: The Way Forward"
7 November 2012 Robert Sharp "The Persons Case and the Living Tree Theory of Constitutional Interpretation"
22 October 2013 Louis LeBel "Customary International Law and its Reception in Canada"
28 October 2014 The Honourable Judge Akua Kuenyehia "Justice in a Conflicted World: Reflections from the Honourable Judge Kuenyehia of the International Criminal Court"
29 October 2015 H. Wade MacLauchlan "Maritime Cooperation: Background and Prospects"
9 February 2017 David W. Stratas "A Judiciary Cleaved: Superior Courts, Statutory Courts, and the Illogic of Difference"
26 October 2017 Dennis Edney "The Rule of Law in an Age of Fear"
14 February 2019 Elizabeth May "One Point Five to Stay Alive – How We Find Hope and Honesty in Dangerous Times"
2020 Allan C. Hutchinson "The New Crypto World: Governance on The Margins"
7 April 2022 The Rt Hon. Richard Wagner, P.C., Chief Justice of Canada “Reflections on Diversity of Legal Traditions In Canadian Law” 
