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Milham Lectures

The Milham Lecture Series, established in 1987, was named in honour of Mary Ella Milham, a professor of classics and ancient history at UNB. In the same year, Dr. Milham created the Milham Trust Fund, with the objective of developing and coordinating the Harriet Irving Library's holdings in the Book Arts, as well as making its collection of New Brunswickiana as comprehensive as possible. The lectures are usually held on UNB campus in Fredericton.

Date Name of Lecturer Title of Lecturer
27 October 1987 Mary Ella Milham "Toward the next 20 years - A New Direction for the Harriet Irving Library"
18 October 1989 Douglas Lochhead "Making the Alphabet Work: Johann Gutenberg and Typographic Printing"
20 April 1990 Thomas Power "The Book of Kells"
27 February 1991 David M. Lank "'A Bell-jar of Victorians': A Look at Animal Art and Artists in the Golden Age of 19th Century Printing"
20 October 1993 J. C. Belzile "Literary Arousal, or Good Clean Fun: Pop-up and Moveable Books"
22 March 1995 Carl G. Ericson "Domesday Book"
20 October 1995 Jeannine Green "'A Spirit of Joy: the Traditions of the Curwen Press"
26 February 1997 Michiel Oudemans "The Book as Creative Medium"
22 October 1997 Hayden L. Leaman "Mixtec codices of Mexico"
18 November 1998 Ann Gorman Condon "The Mind in Exile: Loyalty in the Winslow Papers"
22 March 2000 Rodney A. Savidge "Alexander Monro's 1862 Book of Wood - New Brunswick Forest Management"
15 November 2000 Walter Learning "One Man in his Time Plays Many Parts: Alvin Shaw, An Appreciation"
19 October 2001 Lucie Lambert 25th anniversary of Les Editions Lucie Lambert
24 November 2004 Robert Hawkes

Linda Baier

"The Educational Review: The First Quarter Century"

"The School Book as Common Denominator"

29 March 2006 Peter Stoicheff "Scattered Leaves: Remaking the Book"
21 March 2007 Roger Moore

"Birthday Suit: From Short Story to Movie"

12 March 2015 Gwendolyn Davies "Designing beautiful books: Bliss Carman and the Prat sisters in 1890s Bohemian New York (an illustrated talk)"
27 October 2016 Susan Fisher "Junior Gleaners and Beaver Books: the Colourful Children's Books of Fredericton's Brunswick Press in the 1950s and 60s"


  • UA Case 213.