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Ivan C. Rand Memorial Lectures

The Ivan C. Rand Memorial Lecture series was established at UNB’s Faculty of Law in 1993. Ivan Cleveland Rand (1884-1969) – jurist, scholar, public servant and educator – was a prominent figure in Canadian and New Brunswick law. The lecture series was made possible by donations from Canadian National and Abraham Calp and family. 

This case contains a complete chronological listing of Rand lectures to date, as well as files on most of the lectures. Individual files contain a variety of materials, such as posters and programs, and are arranged alphabetically by lecturer. 

Year Name of Lecturer Title of Lecture
1993 Yoram Dinstein

“The Arab-Israeli conflict: Dispute, dissidence & possible détente.” 


Terry Bird 

Communications and transportation issues in Atlantic Canada.
1995 Andrée Lajoie

“The implied Bill of Rights in the Charter era.” 

1996 Antonio Lamer

Judicial independence and accountability in times of change.

1997 Olivier Bouin Property rights and economic systems.
1998 Anne McLellan Public confidence in the judicial system.
1999 Brian Slattery

Aboriginal title in New Brunswick.

2000 Carol Smart

Children’s perspectives on post-divorce family law.

2001 Stephen Toope

Canadian and international law.

2002 David Mullan Unwritten constitutional principles.
2003 DeLloyd J. Guth

“Making historical sense of the law: Ivan Rand at the Supreme Court of Canada, 1943-1959” 

2004 David Dyzenhaus

Rand's vision of constitutionalism and administrative law.

2005 No lecture  
2006 Neil Brooks "The Times – Are They a Changin’?: Do the Costs of Raising Taxes Now Exceed the Benefits of the Welfare State?"
2007 Christine Boyle “First rate fact finding: Reasonable inferences in criminal trials."
2008 Lorne Sossin 

“Judicial Appointment and Democratic Aspirations.” 

2009 Michael Lynk

“Labour law and the New Inequality.” 

2010 Catherine Walsh

“After the storm – The impact of the financial crisis on private international law.” 

2010 William Kaplan

“How Justice Rand Devised his Famous Formula and Forever Changed the Landscape of Canadian Labour Law.” 

2012 Jocelyn Downie “A Change is gonna come: End of life law and policy in Canada."
2013 Mary Condon

“A discipline in search of itself? Contemporary challenges for securities law in Canada.” 

2014 A. Wayne MacKay “Law as an Ally or Enemy in the War on Cyberbullying."
2015 John Borrows “A Critique and Application of Rights: The Indian Act and Self-Government.” 
2016 Peter H. Russell

“Selecting Supreme Court Justices: Is Trudeau’s Way a Better Way?” 

2018 Audrey Macklin “Citizens, Non-Citizens, and the Rule of Law."
2019 Bruce Ziff

“Environmental Protection and the Abject Failures of the Common Law.”

2022 Janis Sarra "Use of private litigation as a mechanism for holding corporations accountable for their contributions to climate change."
2024 Rollie Thompson “Rules, Discretion, and Reform in Canadian Family Law.”
2025 Payam Akhavan “The Laws of Nature, and the Nature of Law: Climate Change and Ancient Wisdom in the Post-Modern World.”


  • UA Case 209.