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Dr. Ottilia Chareka Memorial Lecture In Education And Social Justice

The Dr. Ottilia Chareka Memorial Lecture in Education and Social Justice was established in memory of Ottilia Chareka a three-time graduate of the faculty of education at the UNB (DAUS 1993; M.Ed 1994; PhD 2005).

She was the first woman from her rural village in Zimbabwe to complete high school and from there embarked on a career as a teacher and academic. Throughout her life, Chareka was an advocate for others including the many Zimbabwean girls she supported in educational endeavours, fellow immigrants to Canada, and First Nations students. When she died tragically in the spring of 2011, the faculty of education at UNB decided to remember her and her work through an annual lecture in her name focusing on education as a vehicle for social justice, Chareka’s life-long passion.

Year Name of Lecturer Title of Lecture
2012 Carla L. Peck "I’m stuck! ‘Social justice’ and other labels that shape our world"
2013 Jeff Orr "Educational leadership for social justice"
2014 George Dei "Indigenous philosophies, counter epistemologies and anti-colonial education"
2015 Jennifer Tupper "Since time immemorial: unpacking the Canadian colonial narrative through treaty education"
2016 Alan Sears "Education for culturally competent citizenship"
2017 Rebekah Sears "From the grassroots to the negotiating tables: The case for women as peacebuilders"
2018 Marie Battiste "Education as cultural imperialism: Taking it personal"
2019 James A. Banks "A transformative civic education curriculum for non-citizen and citizen students"
2020 Panel Discussion -- Moderator: Alicia Noreiga-Mundaroy; Panelists: Yao Bian, Sacha DeWolfe, Husoni Raymond "How can education systems in Atlantic Canada best respond to calls to combat systemic racism and to adopt anti-racist principles?”"
2022 Symposium -- Panelists: Dr. Nēpia Mahuika; Natasha Simon; Dr. Chris Andersen; Dr. Chelsea Gabel "Indigenous Knowledges and History Education"


  • UA Case 220.