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Dr. Bernie Vigod Memorial Lectures

The Dr. Bernie Vigod Memorial Lectures began in 1990 in honour of Dr. Bernie Vigod, a professor of history at UNB and Associate Dean of the School of Graduate Studies and Research, and a lifelong advocate of human rights. After his death in 1988, the Dr. Bernie Vigod Memorial Lecture Trust Fund was established and funded the Dr. Bernie Vigod Memorial Lectures in Human Rights. Organized by the Atlantic Human Rights Centre at St. Thomas University, the lecture series is intended to further the cause of human rights in our society. Beginning in 1997, the lectures were regularly held at the St. Thomas University campus in Fredericton, New Brunswick. 

Date Name of Lecturer Title of Lecture
25 January 1990 Rosalie Silberman Abella "The Legacy of Human Rights"
1 November 1991 Walter S. Tarnopolsky "Discrimination and the Law in Canada"
17 October 1992 Juanita Westmorland-Traoré "Employment Equity"
10 November 1993 Mark Sandler "Hate Crimes and Hate Group Activity in Canada"
17 November 1994 Irwin Cotler "The Human Rights Revolution and Counter-Revolution: Dance of the Dialectic"
20 November 1995 Raynell Andreychuk "Human Rights and Canadian Foreign Policy"
7 November 1996 Bruce Phillips "Privacy: The Newest and Oldest Human Right"
7 October 1997 Elisabeth Maxwell "From the Shadow of Ignorance to the Light of Commitment: The Story of a Bystander"
15 November 1998 Ron Ghitter "Theo-Conservatism: A Threat to Human Rights"
8 November 1999 Michelle Falardeau-Ramsay "Human Rights Today and Tomorrow"
15 November 2000 Stephen Smith "And Let's Not Talk About That; From Memory to Prevention of Genocide"
19 November 2001 Romeo Dallaire "Humanitarian Intervention and Peacekeeping"
18 November 2002 Michael Marrus "The Vatican and the Holocaust Where is the Debate?"
15 October 2003 William Schabas "The Sierra Leone Truth and Reconciliation Commission: A Personal Experience"
16 November 2004 Karen Mock "Antisemitism and Antiracism in Canada Today: Challenges that Face Us All"
21 November 2005 Jerahmiel S. Grafstein "Human Rights and Anti-Semitism"
16 October 2006 Phillippe LeBlanc "Non-governmental Organizations and Human Rights"
28 October 2007 Abraham Cooper "In Our Time: Is Religion a Blessing or Curse?"
27 October 2008 Unknown Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the legacy of John Peters Humphrey
24 October 2009 Kevin Bales "Ending Slavery"
25 October 2010 Alexandre Trudeau "Witness"
3 October 2011 Edward Kissi "Beyond the Holocaust: A Comparative Interpretation of Genocide and Mass Murder in Cambodia, Rwanda, and Darfur"
25 October 2012 Nazanin Afshin-Jam "The Power of One"
13 November 2014 Clint Curle "Stories Matter - The Making of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights"
4 November 2015 Alex Neve "After the Election: Where Next for Canada and Human Rights?"
17 November 2016 Sally Armstrong "Why Women’s Rights Are Your Business: The Dollars and Sense of Investing in Women and Girls"
2 November 2017 Pam Palmater "Shining a Light on Dark Places: The Importance of a Human Rights Framework in the National Inquiry on Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls"
26 September 2018 Bob Rae "Human Rights in the Age of Populism"
3 October 2019 Marina Nemat "Who is the Enemy?"
22 October 2020  A Panel Discussion "From Hate to Hope in the Digital Age"
14 October 2021 David Boyd "The Transformative Potential of the Right to a Healthy Environment"
20 October 2022 Wendy Wong "We, the Data: Claiming Human Rights in the Digital Age"
22 October 2024 Pearl Eliadis “Do Human Rights Commissions Work? Reflections for Canada” 


  • UA Case 217.
  • Atlantic Human Rights Centre, Events