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Dineen Memorial Lectures

The Dineen Memorial Lectures began in 1980 and honour former engineering professor and UNB president James O. Dineen. The lectures, which focus on technology and its impact on society, are sponsored by the University of New Brunswick, the Faculty of Engineering in Fredericton, the Department of Engineering in Saint John, and the Associated Alumni of both campuses.

Date Name of Lecturer Title of Lecture Location
13 November 1980 Alexander Curran "Technology - Catalyst of Growth" UNB Fredericton
19 January 1982 G. M. Lindberg "Canadarm" UNB Fredericton
15 March 1983 A. J. Mooradian "Nuclear Power - Where We Are and Where We Are Going"

"Energy - The Creeping Crisis"

UNB Fredericton
12 March 1984 George G. Garland "Modern Ideas on Isostasy and Tectonic Plate Bending From Gravity Data"

"Earthquake Prediction: Fact or Fiction?"

UNB Fredericton
11 March 1985 Alan G. Davenport "Storm Winds and Structures"

"The Rage of the Elements: The Challenge of Wind and Wave to Engineering Design"

UNB Fredericton
11 March 1986 Carl S. Ledbetter "Think Fast: Computing in the 21st Century"

"Future Trends in Large Scale Scientific Computing"

UNB Fredericton
10 March 1987 Martin Levine "Engineering Applications of Robotic Vision"

"Intelligent Robots - Past, Present, Future"

UNB Fredericton
15 March 1988 Karl H. Doetsch "Space Station: A Catalyst for Scientific and Technological Development"

"Space Station: A Gateway to the Planets"

UNB Fredericton
28 March 1989 George S. Petty "Prospects for the Pulp and Paper Industry in New Brunswick under Free Trade"

"The ALCELL Process--Technological Change in the Pulp and Paper Industry"

UNB Fredericton
4 April 1990 John S. MacDonald "Managing Planet Earth: The Role of Spaceborn Earth Observation Systems"

"Technology of Measuring Earth from Space"

UNB Fredericton
10 April 1991 Peter Cashin "Computing: The Foundation of Telecommunications" UNB Fredericton
10-11 March 1992 John A. Cherry "Industrial Contaminants in Aquifers: Their Behaviour, Control and Removal"

"Groundwater Pollution: Nature and the Cause of the Problem"

UNB Fredericton UNB Saint John
9-10 March 1993 Michael Caughey "The Information Technology Game - An Ex-New Brunswicker's View" UNB Fredericton UNB Saint John
1 March 1994 Gustav J. Olling "Manufacturing Excellence"

"CAE/CAD/CAM Strategy - Simultaneous Engineering"

UNB Fredericton
22-23 March 1995 Terrance E. Rummery "Scientific and Engineering Research--Who Needs it?" UNB Fredericton UNB Saint John
28 February 1996 James K. Simpson "United Nations Engineering Challenges and Activities int he Former Republic of Yugoslavia"

"An Overview of Conflict in the Former Republic of Yugoslavia from a UN Engineers' Perspective"

UNB Fredericton
20 March 1997 Bruce Hutchinson "A Historical Perspective on Some Canadian Engineering Projects"

"Toll Roads--Economy and Efficiency or Political Abdication"

UNB Fredericton
23-24 March 1998 Karl Astrom "Intelligent Control"

"Automatic Control - The Hidden Technology"

UNB Fredericton
UNB Saint John
17-18 March 1999 James C. Otis "Knee Replacement Following Tumor Resection as an Alternative to Amputation: Design, Treatment and Evaluation"

"Assessment of External and Internal Knee Devices: An Enhanced Gait Analysis Approach"

UNB Fredericton UNB Saint John
27-28 March 2000 David Sanborn Scott "From Steam Engines to Fuelcells: A Story of Civilization-Engineering Intimacy"

"The Architecture of Energy Systems: What's constant, what changes, where we've been, where we are going"

UNB Fredericton UNB Saint John
20-21 March 2001 Philip Mattos "Navigation from the Astrolabe to GPS and Beyond"

"GPS from Suitcase to Silicon, from the Chassis of the 80s to the Chip of Today"

UNB Fredericton UNB Saint John
2-3 April 2002 Kerry Rowe "Some Remaining Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Challenges of Waste Disposal"

"Landfills: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly - an exploration of evolving waste disposal practice and its environmental implication past, present, and future"

UNB Fredericton UNB Saint John
25-26 March 2003 Peter G. Jollymore "Telecom: Fragmentation in Progress" UNB Fredericton UNB Saint John
29-30 March 2004 John L. Mann "Forging the Link Between Industry and Academia" UNB Fredericton UNB Saint John
21-22 March 2005 Darcy Spady "Energy and Education - Collaborating for our Future" UNB Fredericton
UNB Saint John
16-17 November 2005 Caroline Baillie "Engineering and Society"

UNB Fredericton
UNB Saint John

29-30 October 2006 Pierre Bilodeau "Geospatial Support to Military Operations" UNB Fredericton
UNB Saint John
2007 No lecture given    
18-19 March 2008 Michael S. Whitford "Nothing Great Happens Without Enthusiasm" UNB Fredericton
UNB Saint John
24 March 2009 William O. Kennedy "St. Clair's Wonderful Curve"

"Keeping my Skis Straight"

UNB Fredericton
25 March 2010 Suhas V. Patankar "Airflow and Cooling in a Data Centre"

"Wonders of Scientific Simulation"

UNB Fredericton
UNB Saint John
3 March 2011 Scott Fogler "Applying Chemical Engineering Principles to Maintaining Flow Assurance in Off Shore Pipelines"

"Revisiting Asphaltene Precipitation from Crude Oils: A Case of Neglected Kinetic Effects" "Globalization and Cooperation: Chemical Engineers Working to Solve Problems in the Next Decade"

UNB Fredericton
UNB Saint John
2012 David G. Ullman Untitled lecture UNB Fredericton
19-20 February 2013 Richard J. Marceau “Canada: Winning as a Sustainable Energy Superpower" UNB Fredericton
UNB Saint John
16 September 2014 Yvan Bedard

“The Power of WHERE: What Should We Know and Why Should We Care About Location-Enabled Devices in Everyday Life?”

UNB Fredericton
UNB Saint John
22-23 March 2016 Jeff Duda “Dam Removal on the Elwha River: Salmon, Sediment, and the Rebirth of a River”

UNB Fredericton
UNB Saint John

8-9 November 2016 Levi Hargrove "Rewiring Humans: Improving the Control of Bionic Limbs"

UNB Fredericton
UNB Saint John

24-25 October 2017 Oyvind Stavdahl "Diving Deeper, from Diabetes Treatments to Subsea Interventions"

UNB Fredericton
UNB Saint John

21-22 November 2018 Jeanette Southwood "Leaders Don't Journey Alone: Collaboration, Diversity and Innovation for our Resilient Future"

UNB Fredericton
UNB Saint John

19-20 November 2019 David Novog "The Grand Energy Challenge: An uncertain future and how nuclear energy can give us hope"

UNB Fredericton
UNB Saint John
