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AUNBT Jon Thompson Lecture Series

The Association of University of New Brunswick Teachers (AUNBT) Jon Thompson Lecture Series (JTLS) began in 2012 with the intent of providing an opportunity to discuss issues related to academic freedom in the university community. The lectures are held on both UNB Saint John and UNB Fredericton campuses. It is expected to be an annual event.

Date Name of Lecturer Title of Lecture

20 March 2012 (UNBSJ)

22 March 2012 (UNB Fredericton)

Jon Thompson "Academic Freedom in Reactionary Times"

19 March 2014 (UNBSJ)

20 March 2014 (UNB Fredericton)

Susan G. Drummond "Academic Freedom & Political and/or Personal Engagement in Scholarly Research: how the doctrine relates to polemics"
2017 Len Findlay "Collegial Governance In The 21st Century: Serving A Curious Collegium Or AnServing A Curious Collegium Or An
Obedience Machine? Obedience Machine?"
2021 Alison Hearn "Who's Zooming Who?  Edtech, surveillance, equity, and academic freedom in the 'outsourced' university"
