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Science And Forestry Library


Building Name: Science and Forestry Library, Integrated University Complex

Other Names: The Bunker, Science Library

Civic Address: 4 Bailey Dr.

Sod Turning: 1974

Cornerstone Laying: Unknown

Opened for Use: 1976

Official Opening: Unknown

Architect: Murray and Murray

Named for: It's function as the branch library servicing the Science and Forestry faculties

Renovations/changes/additions: Renovated in 1983 to create better lighting conditions and a quiet study atmosphere.

Notes: Having been planned since 1972, construction of the Science and Forestry Library began in 1974 as part of the Integrated University Complex. Funding for the project was cut, however, and thus the library was never fully finished. This resulted in poor lighting and air circulation, as well as an unaesthetically pleasing interior. Renovations in 1983 helped to solve these issues, and the Science and Forestry Library now holds the largest collection of scientific material in New Brunswick.


  • UA Case 123; Section 3; Integrated University Complex.
  • Montague, Susan. A Pictorial History of the University of New Brunswick. University of New Brunswick, 1992, p. 237.