It's a way we have at old U. N. B., (Ter) To drive dull care away, (Ter) It's a way we have at old U. N. B., (Ter) To drive dull care away.
For we think it is no sin, sir, To take the Freshmen in, sir, And ease them of their tin, sir, To drive dull care away, (Ter) It's a way we have at old U. N. B., (Ter) To drive dull care away.
For we think it is but right sir, On Wednesday and Saturday night, sir, To get most glorious tight, sir, To drive dull care away, (Ter) It's a way we have at old U. N. B., (Ter) To drive dull care away.
Brother Quidam's a jolly good fellow, (Ter) As all of us can say; (Ter) Once so merrily drinks he, Twice so merrily drinks he, Thrice so merrily drinks he, Io! Io! Io!
So say we all of us, (Bis) So say we all, So say we al lof us, (Ter) So say we all.
Note(s): This song first appears in the 1921 edition of Carmina.
- Carmina Universitatis Novi Brunsvici. Fredericton, NB: University of New Brunswick, 1921.
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