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Impact Analysis through ‘me-search’ International B2B Business Development Models Approach on Lean Startup in Atlantic Canada Amidst Economic Uncertainty

The author emphasises the significance of an entrepreneurial mindset in fostering international business development, particularly in Atlantic Canada, during economic uncertainty. He advocates cultivating traits such as emotional intelligence, audacity, international orientation, creativity, and willingness to help others while embracing one's artistic and creative side. Ignoring emotions in business is not a feasible approach, and entrepreneurs must recognise and embrace this reality. As a former entrepreneur transitioning to an entrepreneurship scholar (left side, he attended the 2017 International Airport Europe Exhibition, Munich Trade Fair Centre, photo), which sheds light on adopting an idiosyncratic approach to close the academic practice divide (center, a photo captured simulating the bridge with his fingers, at Harriet Irving Library, UNB, Mars 2024), leading to a more significant performance scale-up. He believes that understanding people is crucial for comprehending businesses. He will use an autoethnographic method with an abductive reasoning approach to offer a new perspective on business research design to address real-life business intellectual puzzles. right side, he attended UNB, JHerbert Smith Centre, Future of Innovation Conference Marriott, Fredericton, October 2023.
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Department / Faculty:
Interdisciplinary Studies (IGSS)