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What do you see?

To describe this image, one would probably start with a vast expanse of saltwater, disturbed only by a subtle ripple at the surface, caused by a majestic whale. Yet, amidst the serenity portrayed, lies a deeper narrative - one borne from my experience working closely with these magnificent creatures. I see a marine mammal, a large cetacean, a North Atlantic Right Whale, poised to dive in search of food or perhaps taking a moment between foraging dives. I observe a species that is critically endangered and may face extinction within the next two decades. I see an individual plunging into the depths of the Gulf of St. Lawrence to seek sustenance after being compelled to abandon traditional foraging habitats due to climate change-induced declines in prey. It struggles to navigate through fishing nets and dodge shipping vessels, striving to ensure a safe return to warmer waters where it can breed and contribute a calf to this dwindling population. I witness an animal that vocalizes as it dives, its calls a powerful reminder of its presence amidst the ocean's vastness, yet often drowned out by the clamor of human activity. Despite that, I see a right whale. Alive. I see hope.
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Biological Sciences