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UNB Open Access Policy

More information: Open Scholarship & Publishing Support

Strengthening UNB's research contributions to the advancement of science, scholarship, and the betterment of society.

Support Open Research

UNB’s Open Access Policy met with unanimous support at both Senates’ November 2023 meetings. This policy reaffirms the library’s mandate to help UNB authors comply with funders’ open access requirements, make their research more widely discoverable and accessible, and collaborate with other researchers globally.

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UNB Open Access Policy


The University of New Brunswick is committed to the democratization of knowledge and recognizes that open research and scholarship practices foster collaborative, community-engaged, reproducible, and impactful scholarship that can “mobilize knowledge to transform communities.”i As a publicly funded institution, UNB has a responsibility to “tell our story proudly”; to “share the knowledge that is essential to push society forward”, as a “mission of service to our province and the world.”ii


Open access accelerates discovery across the disciplines and increases the visibility and impact of research. It facilitates connections and collaborations between scholars and strengthens the rigour of published research by ensuring it is open to scrutiny by all, enabling scholars from all sectors, policymakers, and the public to use and build on this knowledge.

Since academic research is developed within this institution and is supported through salaries and tri-agency funding, its dissemination should take place with as little third-party, commercial involvement as is possible.

Application / Actions

UNB commits to increasing access to the products of research and scholarship consistent with the open access movement. Application of this policy involves the following clauses:

  1. UNB researchers will…
    1. publish research in open access publications and/or;
    2. deposit accepted versions of scholarly works in UNB’s Institutional Repository (UNB Scholar or another trusted repository in accordance with publisher policies.
  2. Works should be deposited sometime between the date of acceptance and the date of publication.
  3. Deposited works may be embargoed to meet publisher or granting body requirements.
  4. The authors of works deposited in UNB Scholar will maintain ownership of their right in their works. To facilitate the dissemination and archiving of deposited works into UNB Scholar, authors grant to UNB Libraries the non-exclusive permission to archive, preserve, reproduce, and freely disseminate an electronic copy of deposited materials, provided that these works are properly attributed to the authors, and that it is done for non-commercial purposes only1.
  5. Open access will not be considered mandatory, recognizing that, in some cases, its tenets are at odds with the protection of Indigenous Knowledges, legal or privacy requirements, academic freedom, or other interests.


In the spirit of enabling the broadest access to research, accelerating discovery, enabling transparency and reproducibility of research, this policy applies to journal articles, book chapters, and conference papers produced by faculty members, graduate students and any other scholars affiliated with UNB. In addition to these types of scholarly output, authors are urged to consider depositing into the UNB Scholar – or our research data repository, Dataverse – all their scholarly works, regardless of format, including their research data, to enhance visibility and impact of these research outputs.


While this policy commits UNB to the open dissemination of research, it also recognizes that the University’s authors are entitled to full control of their intellectual property. UNB faculty, staff and graduate students are encouraged to know their rights as authors and to retain copyright of their works through use of appropriate author addenda when negotiating publication of their works. Further, UNB encourages faculty to understand the open access policies and procedures of their publisher. These policies set out terms and conditions under which open access can be provided, such as the version of a work, which can be made available, time delays after publication and required credit statements or links to the original publication.

This policy is intended to encourage open access to scholarly work and strengthen author rights. This policy is to be read and interpreted in a manner consistent with relevant collective agreements and University policies related to academic freedom and intellectual property.

This policy comes into force on January 1, 2024 and applies to all applicable works published after this date.

The VP Research, in consultation with the Dean of Libraries will be responsible for interpreting this policy, resolving disputes concerning its interpretation and application, and recommending changes to the policy to the appropriate university body as necessary.


Mike Nason
Open Scholarship & Publishing Librarian
Joanne Smyth
Director, Scholarly Communications
James MacKenzie
Associate Dean of Libraries, Advanced Digital Research & Scholarship
Julie Morris
Collections Analyst, Bibliometrics Librarian

UNB Open Access Policy FAQs

Supporting the Policy

Impact of Policy on the Scholarly Publishing Environment

Does this policy limit academic freedom? Might it harm those in tenure processes who need to show publication in specific journals?
Because you are free to publish in the journal of your choice, the policy will have no impact on the tenure or promotion review process.

Relation to Other Open Access Policies

Scope of the Policy

Legal Aspects

Is UNB taking the rights to my writing?
All rights to the work remain with the author. Under the UNB Open Access Policy, authors then grant specific non-exclusive permissions to UNB Libraries, such as the right to make the article available in UNB Scholar, and to migrate the work to newer formats as they develop for purposes of preservation.
If your article arises from Tri-Agency funded research awarded after May 1, 2015 (SSHRC, NSERC) or January 1, 2008 (CIHR), you must retain sufficient rights to comply with the Tri-Agency Open Access Policy.

What will be done with the Articles?

What will UNB do with the articles?
UNB will continue to operate its Institutional Repository, UNB Scholar, to make available the scholarly articles provided under the UNB Open Access Policy. To aid in discoverability, materials in the repository are assigned metadata and optimized for discovery via search engines such as Google, Google Scholar, and OpenAIRE. UNB Scholar also provides a persistent URL for each deposited object and secure replicated storage, ensuring that its contents will continue to be available to readers in the future.

More Information


Open Access
Publications that are free to read on the internet. Readers can download, copy, and distribute an Open Access publication, as long as credit is given to the authors.
Research / Institutional Repository
A digital collection of the scholarship of an institution's researchers. Research repositories both preserve intellectual output and allow for wide distribution. UNB’s research repository is UNB Scholar. Research repositories are also called institutional repositories.
Subject / Disciplinary Repository
A digital collection of publications in a particular subject area. These repositories collect, preserve, and provide open access to the publications. Examples include arXiv, RePEc, and PubMed Central. Subject repositories are also called disciplinary repositories.
Finalized Text
Term used to describe any copy of the accepted version of an article after peer-review, that includes the final version of the author's text, with revisions having been made.
Author Addendum
A legal instrument that modifies the publisher's copyright transfer agreement and allows you to keep tights to your article(s). E.g. SPARC Canadian Author Addendum.
University Authors
For the Open Access Policy at UNB, university authors include current faculty members, postdoctoral fellows, and students. We respectfully acknowledge that many members of UNB staff also author academic papers. These are also welcome for deposit.