Google searching may only take you so far and it may be more useful to look at specific websites and library resources relevant to your topic. Here's a list below to get you started.
Free resources
- Merck Manual (consumer or professional version) > use the search box, or scroll through topics under Health Topics and Healthy Living
- Health Canada; Public Health Agency of Canada
- MedlinePlus
- JAMA Patient Information
- Cochrane Evidence Summaries
- AboutKidsHealth
- IWK Patient / Family Pamphlets
- Sex & U (Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada)
- Canadian Men’s Health Foundation
Library resources
Note: Library resources aren't available to the general public, consider this limitation when looking for resources to share with patients.
UpToDate > search for a topic and on the results page select Patient and scroll to see if there are specific patient education articles, or review topic summaries to inform yourself.

CPS > navigate to Drugs/Conditions tab and click on Patient Information: Minor Aliments for list of topics available