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NURS1011/2011/2019 Guide Ask Us

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Using the Library

What can UNB Libraries help you with?

An academic library is similar to other types of library and has some differences. We have books you can borrow using your UCard as your library card but most of the information sources you'll use are available online through our website. You can also borrow things like phone chargers, laptops, headphones, and whiteboard markers!

Librarians and library assistants are available to help you with various aspects of finding sources related to your coursework, including creating guides and tutorials. If you're not sure if we can help with something, just ask! 

 Visit my profile page for specific examples of how a librarian can help you with your assignments. 

When is the library open? 

Information about library hours can be found on our website. We encourage you to double check before coming to campus as sometimes the hours change partway through term, or there may be an unexpected closure like a storm day or power outage. 

  You can access all of our online resources off-campus by logging with your UNB user name and password

Is there study space in the library?

Group or individual study rooms are available to book in the library, and we have many open spaces for quiet and group work throughout the building. Visit the building to view the spaces, or consult the floor plans for seating information.

 Check out other study spaces available on the Saint John campus

What's on the library website?

Lots of our library resources are available to you online, not just e-books and journal articles. 

 It's good to know how to access course reserves. Course reserves are books, readings, videos, or websites selected by your instructor as part of a course. You can find these physically at the library, or online through the course reserves portal.

Last modified on February 24, 2025 12:24