Try searching UNB WorldCat below for keywords and key phrases such as "instructional technology", "educational technology" (quotes force a phrase search) and add desired qualifying terms - elementary, secondary, "social studies", mathematics, design, etc.

Recommended select eBooks
Arney, L. (2015). Go blended! : a handbook for blending technology in schools (First). Jossey-Bass, A Wiley Brand. Retrieved May 9, 2022
Beaton, B. (2015). E-community : online learning and sharing together in remote first nations in northwestern ontario (dissertation). University of New Brunswick.
Bowen, T., & Whithaus, C. (Eds.). (2013). Multimodal literacies and emerging genres (Ser. Pittsburgh series in composition, literacy, and culture). University of Pittsburgh Press.
Brown, E. L., Krŭsteva Anna, & Ranieri, M. (Eds.). (2016). E-learning and social media : the cost of integration (Ser. International advances in education : global initiatives for equity and social justice). Information Age Publishing.
Elstad, E. (Ed.). (2016). Educational technology and polycontextual bridging. SensePublishers.
Hamilton, B. (2018). Integrating technology in the classroom : tools to meet the needs of every student (Second). International Society for Technology in Education.
Johnson, D. (2012). The classroom teacher's technology survival guide (Ser. The jossey-bass teacher survival guide series). Wiley.
Kopp, K. (2015). Integrating technology into the curriculum (2nd ed., Ser. Effective teaching in today's classroom). Shell Education.
McQuiggan, S., Kosturko, L., McQuiggan, J., & Sabourin, J. (2015). Mobile learning : a handbook for developers, educators, and learners (Ser. Wiley & sas business series). Wiley.
Menano, L., & Fidalgo, P. (Eds.). (2017). Art and technology : the practice and influence of art and technology in education. Sense.
Miller, L. (Ed.). (2016). Technology for transformation perspectives of hope in the digital age. Information Age Publishing.
Morrison, V., Novak, S., & Vanderwerff, T. (2019). Infusing technology in the 6-12 classroom : a guide to meeting today's academic standards (First). International Society for Technology in Education.
Redmond, P., Lock, J., & Danaher, P. A. (Eds.). (2015). Educational innovations and contemporary technologies : enhancing teaching and learning. Palgrave Macmillan.
Schaaf, R., & Mohan, N. (2014). Making school a game worth playing : digital games in the classroom. Corwin.
Wemigwans, J. (2018). A digital bundle : protecting and promoting indigenous knowledge online. University of Regina Press.
Younie, S., & Leask, M. (2013). Teaching with technologies : the essential guide. McGraw-Hill Education.