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ENGL 3722 CliFi (SJ) Guide Ask Us

Guide Sections

Get Started

How do I get started? 

We created this guide to help you work through the research process for your assignment. Use the different tabs to help you at the various stages of your work:

Learn about a topic Use the listed resources and tips to find and read background info on a topic. This will help you choose and narrow down your topic to find articles.
Find Science Articles Use the article databases to search for science journal articles related to your topic.
Find Philosophy & Political Science Articles Use the article databases to search for journal articles in philosophy and political sciences related to your topic.
Cite your sources Use the listed resources to help you accurately credit and reference authors' work in your assignment.
Get help Use the info listed to contact me when you have questions or need help.

  • Headshot photo of librarian Phil Taber.
  • Phil Taber (he/him)
  • I am on parental leave until July 2025, please contact David Ross for assistance and referral while I am on leave.
  • Business/Hum. and Lang. Librarian
  • UNB Saint John

Last modified on February 9, 2024 10:06