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Past Projects (continued)

Maliseet And Mi'kmaq Vital Statistics
A digital collection of New Brunswick Church Records produced by the Mi'kmaq-Maliseet Institute at the University of New Brunswick.
Management Of Industrial Forest Operations
The Management of Industrial Forest Operations was an online textbook and learning environment aimed at educating forestry and engineering students about the fundamentals of industrial forest operations management.
Narrative Studies
The Bibliography of Interdisciplinary Narrative Studies is a searchable bibliography of books, articles, and other resources that are relevant to narrative, directly or otherwise, in a broad range of disciplines and fields. The bibliography is provided by The Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Narrative (CIRN) at St. Thomas University, in collaboration with the Center for the Study of Narrative (CSN) of Mercer University in Atlanta.
New Brunswick Commissions Of Enquiry: The Early Years
This bilingual reference collection brings together all 57 commissions reports conducted between 1784 and 1950 for the province of New Brunswick. The fully-indexed reports, with illustrations and supporting text, are a valuable resource to researchers interested in New Brunswick's history, policy, politics and social issues.
New Brunswick School Book Collection
The New Brunswick School Book Collection was searchable finding aid to the UNB Archives collection of school texts. The collection consists of 2,176 volumes with publication dates ranging from the early 1800s to the 1990s.
Provincial Archives Of New Brunswick Grantbook Database
Records of land settlement in New Brunswick between 1765 and 1900. The records can be searched by county or place of settlement, and by name of primary grant holder.
Rufus Hathaway Collection Of Canadian Literature: Selected Letters
A collection of selected letters from the Vertical File of The Rufus Hathaway Collection at UNB Archives and Special Collections. Correspondents include Bliss Carman, Rufus Hathaway, Mitchell Kennerley, Nathan Van Patten, Frederic Sherman and Peter McArther.
Synergies was a collaboration among Canadian universities to develop a not-for-profit platform for the publication and dissemination of research results in social sciences and humanities published in Canada. The Electronic Text Centre leads the Synergies project in Atlantic Canada.
Text Analysis Portal For Research
TAPoR (Text Analysis Portal for Research) is a distributed text analysis research infrastructure. The University of New Brunswick TAPoR site was one of six regional centres nationwide providing access to texts, tools, and support for participating humanities computing researchers. History, literature, law, linguistics, multimedia-enhanced texts, and human-computer interaction issues are among the topics currently being explored through a diverse range of projects at UNB and across Canada.
UNB Collection Of Sports Photographs
A collection of photographs documenting the history of varsity athletic teams, and sports in general, at the University of New Brunswick.
Voices, Vessels, And Vellum
Digital images and text transcriptions of one hundred eighteenth-century documents, featuring rare New Brunswickana, Canadiana, and local history, selected from the Saint John Free Public Library's Primary Source Documents Collection.
Ward Chipman Slavery Brief
The manuscript of Ward Chipman's defence of an enslaved woman in 1800, in Fredericton, New Brunswick, has been transcribed and imaged for presentation online.
Winslow Papers
The Winslow Papers is a digital collection documenting the Loyalist experience in the American Revolution and the subsequent establishment of English Canada. Consisting of over 3,600 items and 11,000 pages, the collection covers the period from 1695 to 1866. The original Winslow manuscripts are located in Archives and Special Collections at the University of New Brunswick.
Women Social Activists of Atlantic Canada
This project honours the work of Atlantic Canadian elder women activists in various societal arenas (including but not limited to women's issues) and captures the wisdom in their experiential learning.
Women Writers Of Early Canada
Works of poetry and prose, by early Canadian women writers, transcribed for publication online, with images and supporting text.


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