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Request to Access Archival Collections and Publication Policy

Your request will be sent to the Archives & Special Collections Department of the Harriet Irving Library.

Archives & Special Collections
Harriet Irving Library
University of New Brunswick
P.O. Box 7500
Fredericton, NB E3B 5H5
Telephone: (506) 453-4748  Fax: (506) 453-4595
Personal Information
Manuscript Information

  Publication of Manuscript Material

For permission to publish manuscript(s) in part or in full a separate written request must be submitted to the Head of Archives & Special Collections, Christine Lovelace, at This must specify the manuscript(s) or excerpt(s) and supply details of the proposed publication. Applicants must abide by the decision conveyed to them.

To publish or publish excerpts from a manuscript or letter which under common-law copyright is controlled by the writer, his heirs, executors or assigns, it is necessary that the applicant seek written permission from the holder of the rights.

The Library, in giving its permission to publish, assumes no responsibility for infringement of copyright or publication rights.

The Library retains its own right to publish the manuscripts and to permit others to do so.

Acknowledgement of permission to publish must appear in the printed work. A copy of the printed work must be donated to the Harriet Irving Library by the writer.