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Reference Materials for Social Work

Find dictionaries, encyclopedias, handbooks, and other reference materials

  • A Companion to Gender Studies
    "A Companion to Gender Studies presents a unified and comprehensive vision of its field, and its new directions. It demonstrates in action the rich interplay between gender and other markers of social position and (dis)privilege, such as race, class, ethnicity, and nationality. The contributions are heterogeneous, ranging from essay statements, even provocations, to state-of-the-art overviews. Leading experts in the field cover all the significant ideas of concern to Gender Studies, including the engagements and entanglements with Women's Studies and Masculinity Studies." "This is a Companion for readers, teachers, and students across the world. Students of feminist and gender theory - as well as scientists, social scientists, humanists, theorists, and cultural analysts of these subjects - will find this an enriching volume of original scholarship."--Jacket.
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  • A Companion to Global Environmental History
    The Companion to Global Environmental History offers multiple points of entry into the history and historiography of this dynamic and fast-growing field, to provide an essential road map to past developments, current controversies, and future developments for specialists and newcomers alike.Combines temporal, geographic, thematic and contextual approaches from prehistory to the present dayExplores environmental thought and action around the world, to give readers a cultural, intellectual and political context for engagement with the environment in modern timesBrings toge.
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  • A Companion to Social Geography
    This volume traces the complexity of social geography in both its historical and present contexts and challenges readers to reflect critically on the tensions that run through social geographic thought. Organized to provide a new set of conceptual lenses through which social geographies can be discussed, it presents an original intervention into the debates about social geography, and highlights the importance of social geography within the broader field of geography.
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  • A Companion to the Philosophers

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  • A Companion to World History
    "A Companion to World History presents over 30 essays from an international group of historians that both identify continuing areas of contention, disagreement, and divergence in world and global history, and point to directions for further debate. Features a diverse cast of contributors that include established world historians and emerging scholars Explores a wide range of topics and themes, including and the practice of world history, key ideas of world historians, the teaching of world history and how it has drawn upon and challenged "traditional" teaching approaches, and global approaches to writing world history Places an emphasis on non-Anglophone approaches to the topic Considers issues of both scholarship and pedagogy on a transnational, interregional, and world/global scale "-- Provided by publisher.
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  • A Companion to World Philosophies
    This title is part of the Wiley/Blackwell Reference Online e-book collection available through the Wiley Online Library.
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  • A Dictionary of Law (10 ed.)
    This tenth edition features over 4,900 clear and concise definitions on major terms, concepts, and processes within the English legal system, and is a useful source of information for any of the many countries that base their legal system on English law. It includes more than 120 new entries, including acid attacks, lasers, Nightingale Courts, Northern Ireland Protocol, and retained EU Law. Many of the new and revised entries reflect changes brought about by Brexit and the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020. There have also been significant increases of coverage in the areas of constitutional law, medical law, and employment law and professional regulation. Updated web links complement the text and lead to a dedicated companion website for further reading materials. The dictionary also contains a guide to legal writing, and a citation guide drawn from the Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA.
    Collection limited to subscribed 5-user access
  • A Dictionary of Psychology (3 ed.)
    This guide to psychology contains over 11,000 entries and provides clear and concise definitions of a wide range of terms and concepts in psychology, psychiatry, and psychoanalysis.
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  • A Dictionary of Psychology (4 ed.)
    "Written by a leading authority, with the assistance of a distinguished team of advisory editors, this comprehensive dictionary is essential reading for professional psychologists, psychiatrists, counsellors, and students of psychology and related disciplines such as nursing, sociology, social work, and education. There is comprehensive coverage of phobias and phobic stimuli and mental disorders."
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  • A Dictionary of Sociology (4 ed.)
    "Compiled by an expert team of sociologists under the editorship of Gordon Marshall, this dictionary has international coverage of terms, methods, and concepts; related terms from psychology, economics, anthropology, philosophy, and political science; and material on topics such as cultural studies and identity, mass media, and the Internet, nationalism and McDonaldization."
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  • A Dictionary of World History (2 ed.)
    As well as over 4000 clear and concise entries, this dictionary also contains biographies of key figures in world history. Other useful features include: subject entries on religious and political movements, maps, and full international coverage.
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  • A Dictionary of World History (3 ed.)
    "This up-to-date dictionary contains clear, concise, and detailed entries covering 4,000 years of world history. It includes biographical entries on hundreds of key figures, from Alexander the Great to Bill Clinton, Elizabeth I to Nelson Mandela, Moses to Tony Blair. There are subject entries on religious and political movements, international organizations, and key battles and places."
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  • Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology: Group Processes
    "This handbook provides an authoritative, up-to-date overview of the social psychology of group processes. The topics covered include group decisions, juries, group remembering, roles, status, leadership, social identity and group membership, socialization, group performance, negotiation and bargaining, emotion and mood, computer-mediated communication, organizations and mental health."--Jacket.
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  • Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology: Intergroup Processes
    This volume will provide an authoritative, state of the art overview of the field of intergroup processes. The volume is divided into nine major sections on cognition, motivation, emotion, communication and social influence, changing intergroup relations, social comparison, self-identity, methods and applications. Provides an authoritative, state of the art overview of the field of intergroup processes. Divided into nine major sections on cognition, motivation, emotion, communication and social influence, changing intergroup relations, social comparison, self-identity, m.
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  • Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology: Interpersonal Processes

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  • Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology: Intraindividual Processes

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  • Cambridge Dictionary of Statistics, The

    "If you use statistics and need a useful, up-to-date and reliable sourcebook that provides simple definitions and explanations of statistical concepts, then you will need this dictionary. Some 3500 terms are defined in all areas of statistics, including medical, survey, theoretical, applied, etc. In addition short biographies are given of over 100 important statisticians. The majority of definitions include a reference to a book or article where the reader can seek an extended account of a term if required. Many of the definitions are accompanied by graphical material to aid understanding."--Jacket.


  • Cambridge histories online
    This resource, part of Cambridge Core, contains the online versions of over 270 Cambridge Histories publications in the following 15 areas: American History, British History, Economic History, General History, History of Science, History of the Book, Language and Linguistics, Literary Studies, Music, Philosophy, Political and Social Theory, Regional History, Religious Studies, Theatre Studies and Performing Arts, and Warfare. For a complete listing of titles in each area, please refer to the publisher's site, at:
  • Cambridge History of Terrorism [HIL-STACKS HV6431 .C36 2021]
    Terrorism and responses to terrorism have repeatedly had a profound influence in shaping human experience. A terrorist incident was the detonator setting off the cataclysmic First World War explosion; terroristic violence was one of the important elements within the anti-colonial reshaping of global politics during the twentieth century; responses to the September 2001 terrorist attack on the USA defined much subsequent international politics; terrorism has frequently been deployed by states against their own and other peoples; and the mutually-shaping intimacy of non-state and state violence, together with the often agonising legacies emerging from that terrorising relationship.
  • Cambridge World History of Human Disease

    Combining recent medical discoveries with historical and geographical scholarship, this is the most comprehensive history of human disease since August Hirsch's monumental Handbook of Geographical and Historical Pathology in 1880. Accessible to laypeople and specialists alike, The Cambridge World History of Human Disease explores the patterns of disease throughout the world as well as the variety of approaches that different medical traditions have used to fight it. The volume traces the concept of disease as medicine developed from an art to a science, then addresses the history of disease in each major world region. The final and largest part offers the history and geography of each significant human disease - both historical and contemporary - from AIDS to yellow fever. A truly interdisciplinary history, it includes contributions from over 160 medical and social scientists from across the globe. Together with The Cambridge World History of Food (2000), The Cambridge World History of Human Disease provides an extraordinary glimpse of what is known about human health as the twenty-first century begins.

  • Cambridge world history of medical ethics

    This is the first comprehensive scholarly account of the global history of medical ethics. Offering original interpretations of the field by leading bioethicists and historians of medicine, it will serve as the essential point of departure for future scholarship in the field.

  • CIA World Factbook
    Prepared by the Central Intelligence Agency for use by the US Government. The World Factbook provides concise country profiles which include overviews of geography, population, government, and economy.
  • International encyclopedia of communication online
    This title is part of the Wiley/Blackwell Reference Online e-book collection available through the Wiley Online Library.
  • International encyclopedia of the social & behavioral sciences (2nd Ed.)
    Fully revised and updated, the second edition of the International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, first published in 2001, offers a source of social and behavioral sciences reference material that is broader and deeper than any other. Available in both print and online editions, it comprises over 3,900 articles, commissioned by 71 Section Editors, and includes 90,000 bibliographic references as well as comprehensive name and subject indexes.

    UNB has online access to the 2001 edition as well as owning print volumes of the earlier edition.
  • Oxford Bibliographies Online
    "Oxford Bibliographies Online (OBO) is an entirely new research tool for the social sciences and humanities. A scholar-curated library of discipline-based subject modules, OBO is designed to help busy researchers find reliable sources of information in half the time by directing them to exactly the right chapter, book, website, archive, or data set they need for their research."
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  • Oxford Reference
    Multi-part database of the online versions of Oxford University Press texts. Each topical division contains the searchable version of the latest edition of published dictionaries and encyclopedias. Additionally, information about Oxford University Press is provided. Online texts will be updated after new editions of the print monographs are published.Covers the humanities and social sciences.
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  • The Blackwell Companion to Sociology
    This title is part of the Wiley/Blackwell Reference Online e-book collection available through the Wiley Online Library.
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  • The Blackwell encyclopedia of sociology
    This title is part of the Wiley/Blackwell Reference Online e-book collection available through the Wiley Online Library.
  • The Cambridge History of Law in America (Vol.1)
    Volume one of the 'Cambridge History of Law in America' begins with the very first moments of European colonization and settlement of the North American land mass. It follows those processes across 200 years to the eventual creation and stabilization of the American republic.
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  • The Cambridge History of Law in America (Vol.2)
    This volume covers the history of American law from the birth of the Republic to the immediate aftermath of the First World War. The reinvention of a distinctly American state system is examined, as are the establishment and growth of a systemic legal education, the growing density of legal institutions, and other areas.
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  • The Cambridge History of Law in America (Vol.3)
    This volume covers the period from 1920 to 2008, 'the American Century'. It charts a century of legal transformations - in the state, in legal thought and education, in professional organization and life, in American federalism and governance, in domestic affairs and international relations.
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  • The Cambridge history of the British empire [HIL-REF DA30 .C3 1929 v.6]
  • The Cambridge History of Twentieth-Century Political Thought (The Cambridge History of Political Thought)
    Provides a comprehensive overview of the development of political thought from the late nineteenth to the end of the twentieth century. Covers the rise of the welfare state and subsequent reactions to it, the fascist and communist critiques of and attempted alternatives to liberal democracy, the novel forms of political organization occasioned by the rise of a mass electorate and new social movements, the various intellectual traditions from positivism to post-modernism that have shaped the study of politics, the interaction between western and non-western traditions of political thought, and the challenge posed to the state by globalization.
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  • The Cambridge History of War (Cambridge History of War; Vol.4)
    Volume IV of The Cambridge History of War offers a definitive new account of war in the most destructive period in human history. Opening with the massive conflicts that erupted in the mid nineteenth century in the US, Asia and Europe, leading historians trace the global evolution of warfare through 'the age of mass', 'the age of machine' and 'the age of management'. They explore how industrialization and nationalism fostered vast armies whilst the emergence of mobile warfare and improved communications systems made possible the 'total warfare' of the two World Wars. With military conflict regionalized after 1945 they show how guerrilla and asymmetrical warfare highlighted the limits of the machine and mass as well as the importance of the media in winning 'hearts and minds'. This is a comprehensive guide to every facet of modern war from strategy and operations to its social, cultural, technological and political contexts and legacies.
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  • The Canadian encyclopedia
    Free online encyclopedia, containing the full text of the print Canadian Encyclopedia, "the most comprehensive source of information on all things Canadian." Includes the full text of the Encyclopedia of Music in Canada.
    Open Access
  • The Canadian who's who [multiple locations (latest volume shelved in HIL-RFDSK) FC25 .C389 vols. 1-43]
  • The Concise Encyclopedia of Statistics
  • The Encyclopedia of religion [HIL-REF BL31 .E46 1987 vols. 1-16]

    Includes bibliographies and index.

  • The Europa world year book [HIL-REFDSK JN1 .E85 ]

    The most current edition (2016) is available from the Research Help Desk in the Harriet Irving Library. HIL-REFDSK

    Second latest edition is shelved in HIL-REF.

    Older editions (30th ed. 1989 - third latest edition) are shelved in HIL-STACKS.

  • The human rights encyclopedia [HIL-REF JC571 .L522 2001 vols. 1-3]

    This illustrated A-Z reference includes 600 signed articles, many by leading experts in the field, and was compiled with special emphasis on the impact of the 1948 United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. The set provides a country-by-country analysis of each nation's approach to human rights. It also includes detailed examinations of such crucial topics as torture, slavery, asylum, genocide, hostages, indigenous peoples, freedom of the press, and the right to education. Distributed by Syndetic Solutions, Inc.

  • The International who's who [HIL-REF CT120 .I5]
  • The Mi'kmaq bibliogrpahy [sic]: a guide to secondary sources [HIL-REF E99 .M6 A44 2000]
  • The New Cambridge Modern History (Vol.1)

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  • The Science of Reading: A Handbook
    The Science of Reading: A Handbook brings together state-of-the-art reviews of reading research from leading names in the field, to create a multidisciplinary overview of contemporary knowledge about reading and related skills. The volume is divided into seven sections: Word Recognition Processes in Reading outlines models of word recognition that have shaped the direction of reading research during the past two decades and presents reviews of research on reading processes from the point of view of experimental psychology. Learning to Read and Spell reviews theories of literacy development and.
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  • War and Genocide: A Concise History of the Holocaust
    see also [HIL-STACKS DD256.5 .B3916 2016]
    Introduction : Holocaust, war, and genocide : themes and problems -- Dry timber : preconditions -- Leadership and will: Hitler, the National Socialist German Workers' Party, and Nazi ideology -- From revolution to routine: Nazi Germany, 1933-1938 -- Open aggression: in search of war, 1938-1939 -- Brutal innovations: war against Poland and the so-called euthanasia program, 1939-1940 -- Expansion and systematization: exporting war and terror, 1940-1941 -- War and genocide : decisions and dynamics in the peak years of killing, 1942-1943 -- Flashover : the killing centers, 1942-1944 -- Death throes and killing frenzies, 1944-1945 -- Conclusion : legacies of atrocity.
  • Who's who [HIL-REF DA28 .W6]
  • Wiley/Blackwell Reference Online
    Wiley/Blackwell Reference Online "is a vast new online library giving instant access to the most authoritative and up-to-date scholarship across the humanities and social sciences. With more than 350 reference volumes to be published in Blackwell Reference Online by the end of 2008, it is the largest academic reference collection available online and includes the critically-acclaimed Blackwell Companions and Handbooks, major reference works such as the Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management and the Companion to Syntax, and a whole host of other valuable reference materials such as dictionaries, encyclopedias and concise companions."