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Need Harvard/Ivey Case Studies?

Need a case study from Harvard or Ivey?

Academic publishers (e.g., Harvard Business Publishing and Ivey Publishing) do not sell their case studies to libraries.  Instead, case studies are marketed directly to faculty and students.

To Order Cases:

Students purchase their own personal copy of a case study. 

Most Harvard cases are approx. $8.00 US each and are available directly from Harvard Business Publishing: You'll need the Case Name & Number to place an order.

Cases from Ivey Publishing (Ivey Business School) can be purchased from:

Alongside their own case studies, Ivey Publishing also has licensing and distribution rights for case studies and materials from other suppliers.


Harvard Business Review - Fictional Case Studies

While UNB Libraries cannot provide access to Harvard case studies, Harvard Business Review (a UNB-subscribed journal) publishes a fictional case study in every issue.  Students can access these case studies electronically by:

  • Clicking our link to Harvard Business Review
  • Select "Search within this publication"
  • Under "Limit Your Results" be sure to set Document Type to "Case Study"
  • Click Search and retrieve 300+ results


UNB Libraries also carries the print version of the Harvard Business Review (HBR) in the Harriet Irving Library:

  • Browse the current year of the HBR in the Current Periodicals section (1st floor)
  • Back issues of older HBRs are available at HF5001 .H3 (2nd floor)


    • Headshot photo of librarian Phil Taber.
    • Phil Taber (he/him)
    • I am on parental leave until July 2025, please contact David Ross for assistance and referral while I am on leave.
    • Business/Hum. and Lang. Librarian
    • UNB Saint John

    Subject Specialties:
    Data and Statistics, Maps/GIS, Government Information

    Last modified on July 11, 2024 10:58