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UNB Theses and Dissertations

For well over 100 years, UNB has offered graduate degrees which have had thesis requirements. Please consult the information below to learn more about how these UNB theses and dissertations are made available in various formats.

UNB Scholar: Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Collection

UNB's institutional research repository, UNB Scholar, includes theses and dissertations submitted to UNB from 2010 to the present. Since electronic submission was optional for graduate students until January 2019, this is not a comprehensive collection of all UNB Theses. Researchers are urged to check the library catalogue for the most complete record of UNB theses and dissertations in print, microfilm, and electronic formats. The collection present in the UNB Scholar Research Repository represents continuiing collaboration between the School of Graduate Studies, the Centre for Digital Scholarship, and UNB Libraries.

UNB Thesis Collection

UNB Thesis Collection, held in Archives & Special Collections (location=HIL-SPECAR) on the 5th floor of the Harriet Irving Library, comprises preservation (i.e. print) copies of more than 7000 Master’s theses and Doctoral dissertations, from c. 1890 to the present, accepted by the School of Graduate Studies, and constitutes an invaluable research resource. Theses from Archives & Special Collections can be located by searching the library catalogue, UNB WorldCat. Theses are available for in-house consultation only, and may not be borrowed, or requested on Inter-Library Loan. Limited photocopying may be permitted. Readers are encouraged to use the fiche copy of a thesis available in the Microforms Collection or print copies found in other locations.

Microforms Collection

The Microforms Collection, located on the fifth floor of the Harriet Irving Library, holds copies of UNB theses in one of two formats: microfiche (location=HIL-MICF) and microfilm (location=HIL-MIC). Titles are searchable in the WorldCat library catalogue.  Microfiche copies of theses extend to 2012 (Thesis 8958)

Theses written before 1973 may not be in microform; however, print copies are available in the UNB Thesis Collection.

Other Locations

Dissertations & Theses Database

ProQuest’s Dissertations & Theses Database (formerly known as Digital Dissertations) is the world's most comprehensive collection of graduate theses. In addition to providing access to the work of authors from over one thousand institutions, it offers the option of limiting search results to UNB authors only. Please note that, currently, only UNB theses submitted before 2013 are included in Dissertations and Theses.

PhD dissertations and Master's theses from depositing universities are available in full text from 1997 onwards, except in cases where the author has requested that the document not be made available. Indexing dates back to 1861; dissertation abstracts are available from 1980-present; and theses abstracts are available from 1988-present.

Dissertations & Theses Database is licensed to the University of New Brunswick for academic purposes ONLY. The content may not be reproduced, retransmitted, disseminated, sold, distributed, published, broadcast or circulated. Remote access is restricted to members of the University of New Brunswick/St. Thomas University community.

Theses Canada

Theses Canada was launched in 1965 at the request of the deans of Canadian graduate schools, and is a collaborative between Library and Archives Canada (LAC) and Canadian universities. Theses Canada provides free access to Canadian digital theses and dissertations, and bibliographic records for non-digital theses and dissertations in LACs collections.

Undergraduate Theses

The libraries have copies of UNB undergraduate theses, also known as 5th year theses or Senior Reports, for some of faculties and departments. They can be located using the WorldCat library catalogue as follows,

  • Faculty of Computer Science: add the keywords Senior Reports to the other keywords used in your search (limited coverage),
  • Faculty of Engineering : add the keywords Senior Reports to the other keywords used in your search (there is limited coverage for some departments),
  • Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management: use the Advanced Search feature to limit the Location to SCI-FORF, and add the keyword BSCF to any other keywords used. To browse the collection, search for the keyword BSCF alone. Available from the I.U.C. Library upon request. Please ask circulation desk staff for assistance.

Please note that UNB undergraduate theses are not routinely available for Inter-Library Loan or for copying.

UNB Scholar also includes records, as well as limited full-text, for selected undergraduate theses. Consult the "Senior Reports" collection in UNB Scholar for more details.