EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection
300 Jahre Robinson Crusoe: Ein Weltbestseller und seine Rezeptionsgeschichte
ISBN: 9783110776065
300 Jahre Robinson Crusoe: Ein Weltbestseller und seine Rezeptionsgeschichte in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Christine Haug; De Gruyter; 2022)
WorldCat: 1337589973
34. International Public Finance Conference
34. International Public Finance Conference in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Salim Ateş Oktar; Istanbul University Press; 2019)
WorldCat: 1392045739
3D City Models and Urban Information: Current Issues and Perspectives: European COST Action TU0801
3D City Models and Urban Information: Current Issues and Perspectives: European COST Action TU0801 in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Roland Billen; EDP Sciences; 2014)
WorldCat: 1048119125
3D Recording and Interpretation for Maritime Archaeology
ISBN: 9783030036348
3D Recording and Interpretation for Maritime Archaeology in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (John K. McCarthy; Springer Nature; 2019)
WorldCat: 1089830769
3D Research Challenges in Cultural Heritage III: Complexity and Quality in Digitisation
ISBN: 9783031355929
3D Research Challenges in Cultural Heritage III: Complexity and Quality in Digitisation in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Marinos Ioannides; Springer Nature; 2023)
WorldCat: 1391138527
3D Research Challenges in Cultural Heritage V: Paradata, Metadata and Data in Digitisation
ISBN: 9783031785894
3D Research Challenges in Cultural Heritage V: Paradata, Metadata and Data in Digitisation in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Marinos Ioannides; Springer Nature; 2025)
WorldCat: 1483078081
3economy+ Glossary. A corpus-based trilingual terminology dictionary on international economy, marketing and tourism
3economy+ Glossary. A corpus-based trilingual terminology dictionary on international economy, marketing and tourism in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Corral-Robles, Silvia; Dykinson SL; 2020)
WorldCat: 1308953122
3rd International Conference on Thermal Issues in Machine Tools
ISBN: 9783031344855
3rd International Conference on Thermal Issues in Machine Tools in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Steffen Ihlenfeldt; Springer Nature; 2023)
WorldCat: 1381545778
3rd InTraders International Conference On International Trade Abstract Book, The
3rd InTraders International Conference On International Trade Abstract Book, The in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Kürşat ÇAPRAZ; InTraders Academic Platform; 2019)
WorldCat: 1463977504
40 Begriffe für eine Schreibwissenschaft: Konzeptuelle Perspektiven auf Praxis und Praktiken des Schreibens
ISBN: 9783763976591
40 Begriffe für eine Schreibwissenschaft: Konzeptuelle Perspektiven auf Praxis und Praktiken des Schreibens in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Andrea Karsten; Bookwire GmbH; 2024)
WorldCat: 1453231187
40 Years of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: Assessment and Prospects
ISBN: 9781032759876
40 Years of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: Assessment and Prospects in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Tomasz Kamiński; Taylor and Francis (Unlimited); 2025)
WorldCat: 1454855559
4000 Years of Migration and Cultural Exchange: The Archaeology of the Batanes Islands, Northern Philippines
ISBN: 9781925021271
4000 Years of Migration and Cultural Exchange: The Archaeology of the Batanes Islands, Northern Philippines in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Peter Bellwood; ANU Press; 2013)
WorldCat: 858801942
4D Fetal Echocardiography
ISBN: 9781608056347
4D Fetal Echocardiography in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Giuseppe, Rizzo; Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.; 2011)
WorldCat: 822891245
4IR and Teacher Education in South Africa, The
ISBN: 9781776342181
4IR and Teacher Education in South Africa, The in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Felix Maringe (https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7992-9079); AOSIS Publishing; 2022)
WorldCat: 1367233457
4IR and the Humanities in South Africa: Perspectives on Innovation, Power and Potentialities, The
ISBN: 9781991269072
4IR and the Humanities in South Africa: Perspectives on Innovation, Power and Potentialities, The in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Bhaso Ndzendze; AOSIS Publishing; 2024)
WorldCat: 1455529941
4th International Conference Coordinating Engineering for Sustainability and Resilience and Midterm Conference of CircularB “Implementation of Circular Economy in the Built Environment”
ISBN: 9783031577994
4th International Conference on Tourism, Gastronomy, and Tourist Destination
ISBN: 9789464632958
4th International Conference on Tourism, Gastronomy, and Tourist Destination in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Myrza Rahmanita; Springer Nature; 2024)
WorldCat: 1415899144
4th InTraders International Conference On International Trade Abstract Book, The
4th InTraders International Conference On International Trade Abstract Book, The in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Kürşat ÇAPRAZ; InTraders Academic Platform; 2019)
WorldCat: 1463996290
4th InTraders International Conference On International Trade Proceeding Book, The
4th InTraders International Conference On International Trade Proceeding Book, The in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Kürşat ÇAPRAZ; InTraders Academic Platform; 2019)
WorldCat: 1463985283
5 Grams: Crack Cocaine, Rap Music, and the War on Drugs
ISBN: 9780814787007
5 Grams: Crack Cocaine, Rap Music, and the War on Drugs in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Dimitri A. Bogazianos; New York University Press; 2012)
WorldCat: 771288283
5-Day Job Search: Proven Strategies To Answering Tough Interview Questions and Getting Multiple Job Offers, The
ISBN: 9781961039018
5-Day Job Search: Proven Strategies To Answering Tough Interview Questions and Getting Multiple Job Offers, The in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Annie Margarita Yang; Annie Yang Financial; 2023)
WorldCat: 1450563516
5. ICSSIET 2024 ABSTRACT BOOK in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (MAGDALINE ENOW MBI TARKANG MARY; Global Academy Publishing House; 2024)
WorldCat: 1505924645
5. ICSSIET PROCEEDINGS BOOK in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (MAGDALINE ENOW MBI TARKANG MARY; Global Academy Publishing House; 2024)
WorldCat: 1505925057
50 Jahre Aktiengesetz
ISBN: 9783110426830
50 Jahre Aktiengesetz in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Holger Fleischer; De Gruyter; 2016)
WorldCat: 958354343
50 Jahre für die Erwachsenenbildung: Das DIE - Werden und Wirken eines wissenschaftlichen Service-Instituts
ISBN: 9783763919505
50 Jahre für die Erwachsenenbildung: Das DIE - Werden und Wirken eines wissenschaftlichen Service-Instituts in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Ekkehard Nuissl von Rein; Bookwire GmbH; 1949)
WorldCat: 912323466
50 Jahre Sektion Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft : Kontinuität, Wandel und Perspektiven
ISBN: 9783847427209
50 Jahre Sektion Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft : Kontinuität, Wandel und Perspektiven in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Karin Büchter; Verlag Barbara Budrich GmbH; 2024)
WorldCat: 1456647185
50 Jahre Sektion Erwachsenenbildung in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft: Konstituierendes – Errungenes – Umbrüchiges aus einem halben Jahrhundert Sektionsgeschichte
ISBN: 9783847426172
50 Jahre Sektion Erwachsenenbildung in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft: Konstituierendes – Errungenes – Umbrüchiges aus einem halben Jahrhundert Sektionsgeschichte in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Anke Grotlüschen; Verlag Barbara Budrich GmbH; 2022)
WorldCat: 1343709390
50 Jahre Zukunft - FH Bielefeld 1971-2021: 50 Years of Future - Bielefeld UAS 1971-2021
ISBN: 9783837657500
50 Jahre Zukunft - FH Bielefeld 1971-2021: 50 Years of Future - Bielefeld UAS 1971-2021 in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Andreas Beaugrand; Transcript Verlag; 2021)
WorldCat: 1280944141
50 Years World Heritage Convention: Shared Responsibility – Conflict and Reconciliation
ISBN: 9783031056598
50 Years World Heritage Convention: Shared Responsibility – Conflict and Reconciliation in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Marie-Theres Albert; Springer Nature; 2022)
WorldCat: 1348186156
500 ICT Tips for Primary Teachers
ISBN: 9780749428631
500 ICT Tips for Primary Teachers in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Higgins, Steve; Taylor and Francis (Unlimited); 1999)
WorldCat: 60827113
5G and Beyond
ISBN: 9789819936670
5G and Beyond in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Bharat Bhushan; Springer Nature; 2023)
WorldCat: 1396563397
5G Outlook – Innovations and Applications
ISBN: 9788793379770
5G Outlook – Innovations and Applications in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Ramjee Prasad; CRC Press (Unlimited); 2016)
WorldCat: 957699904
5G: 2020 and Beyond
ISBN: 9788793237131
5G: 2020 and Beyond in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Ramjee Prasad; CRC Press (Unlimited); 2014)
WorldCat: 1347185478
5th Asia-Pacific Management Research Conference : “Adapting Sustainability Strategies in Business and Management”, The
5th InTraders International Conference on International Trade Abstract Book, The
5th InTraders International Conference on International Trade Abstract Book, The in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Rashmi GUJRATI; InTraders Academic Platform; 2020)
WorldCat: 1463983915
5th InTraders International Conference on International Trade Proceeding Book, The
5th InTraders International Conference on International Trade Proceeding Book, The in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Rashmi GUJRATI; InTraders Academic Platform; 2020)
WorldCat: 1463999121
5th Symposium on Terrestrial Gravimetry: Static and Mobile Measurements : Proceedings of the Symposium in Saint Petersburg, Russia, October 1 – 4, 2019
ISBN: 9783031259012
5th Symposium on Terrestrial Gravimetry: Static and Mobile Measurements : Proceedings of the Symposium in Saint Petersburg, Russia, October 1 – 4, 2019 in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Jeffrey T. Freymueller; Springer Nature; 2023)
WorldCat: 1382402547
60 Jahre moderne Stadt(t)räume in Hamburg: Das Grindelquartier und die Gartenstadt am Hohnerkamp – gescheiterte Siedlungsmodelle oder Modellsiedlungen mit Zukunft?
ISBN: 9783862198764
60 Jahre moderne Stadt(t)räume in Hamburg: Das Grindelquartier und die Gartenstadt am Hohnerkamp – gescheiterte Siedlungsmodelle oder Modellsiedlungen mit Zukunft? in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Sebastian Blecher; Kassel University Press GmbH; 2016)
WorldCat: 967778227
62nd International Conference of Machine Design Departments
ISBN: 9789464634228
62nd International Conference of Machine Design Departments in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Michal Petrů; Springer Nature; 2024)
WorldCat: 1438672528
66 Simple Rules for Entrepreneurs: A Roadmap for Improved Performance
ISBN: 9783031620317
66 Simple Rules for Entrepreneurs: A Roadmap for Improved Performance in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Dean A. Shepherd; Springer Nature; 2024)
WorldCat: 1445866977
6th InTraders International Conference on International Trade Abstract Book, The
6th InTraders International Conference on International Trade Abstract Book, The in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Leena Jenefa; InTraders Academic Platform; 2020)
WorldCat: 1463991665
6th InTraders International Conference on International Trade Proceeding Book, The
6th InTraders International Conference on International Trade Proceeding Book, The in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Leena Jenefa; InTraders Academic Platform; 2020)
WorldCat: 1463982095
70 Years of Levothyroxine
ISBN: 9783030632762
70 Years of Levothyroxine in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (George J. Kahaly; Springer Nature; 2021)
WorldCat: 1410131537
7th InTraders International Conference on International Trade Abstract Book, The
7th InTraders International Conference on International Trade Abstract Book, The in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Liza Alili Sulejmani; InTraders Academic Platform; 2022)
WorldCat: 1463975528
7th InTraders International Conference on International Trade Proceeding Book, The
7th InTraders International Conference on International Trade Proceeding Book, The in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Liza Alili Sulejmani; InTraders Academic Platform; 2022)
WorldCat: 1463993584
8th InTraders International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Abstract Book, The
8th InTraders International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Abstract Book, The in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Kürşat Çapraz; InTraders Academic Platform; 2022)
WorldCat: 1463997648
8th InTraders International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Proceeding Book, The
8th InTraders International Conference on Social Sciences and Education Proceeding Book, The in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Kürşat Çapraz; InTraders Academic Platform; 2022)
WorldCat: 1463976339
9/11 als kulturelle Zäsur: Repräsentationen des 11. September 2001 in kulturellen Diskursen, Literatur und visuellen Medien
ISBN: 9783837610161
9/11 als kulturelle Zäsur: Repräsentationen des 11. September 2001 in kulturellen Diskursen, Literatur und visuellen Medien in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Sandra Poppe; Transcript Verlag; 2015)
WorldCat: 1001553844
90 lat łódzkiej ekonomii
ISBN: 9788380889774
90 lat łódzkiej ekonomii in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Czesław Domański; Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Lódzkiego (University of Lodz Publisher); 2018)
WorldCat: 1374584322
90 Years of ZbMATH
ISBN: 9783985470730
90 Years of ZbMATH in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Klaus Hulek, Octavio Paniagua Taboada, Olaf Teschke; European Mathematical Society - EMS - Publishing House GmbH; 2024)
WorldCat: 1454132020