EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection
Academic Libraries: Reflecting on Crisis, the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Way Forward
ISBN: 9781991223876
Academic Libraries: Reflecting on Crisis, the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Way Forward in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Anette Janse van Vuren; UJ Press; 2022)
WorldCat: 1365391028
Academic Research and Reviews in Art, Design, Architecture and Fashion Breaking Creative Boundaries
Academic Research and Reviews in Art, Design, Architecture and Fashion Breaking Creative Boundaries in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Ítalo Dantas; Global Academy Publishing House; 2023)
WorldCat: 1419698319
Academic Research and Reviews in Social, Human and Administrative Sciences - III-
Academic Research and Reviews in Social, Human and Administrative Sciences - III- in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Beatriz Lucia Salvador; Global Academy Publishing House; 2023)
WorldCat: 1423777589
Academic Study of Religions in a Cognitive, Anthropological and Sociological Perspective
Academic Study of Religions in a Cognitive, Anthropological and Sociological Perspective in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Bubík, Tomáš; Palacky University Olomouc; 2021)
WorldCat: 1308953082
Academics in Exile: Networks, Knowledge Exchange and New Forms of Internationalization
ISBN: 9783837660890
Academics in Exile: Networks, Knowledge Exchange and New Forms of Internationalization in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Vera Axyonova; Transcript Verlag; 2022)
WorldCat: 1346260465
Academics Writing: The Dynamics of Knowledge Creation
ISBN: 9780815385905
Academics Writing: The Dynamics of Knowledge Creation in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Karin Tusting; Taylor and Francis (Unlimited); 2019)
WorldCat: 1090556506
Académie de l’OMPI Programmes d’enseignement, de formation et de perfectionnement 2023
Académie de l’OMPI Programmes d’enseignement, de formation et de perfectionnement 2023 in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Organisation Mondiale de la Propriété Intellectuelle; World Intellectual Property Organization; 2023)
WorldCat: 1411228349
Accelerating Digitalization: Chancen der Digitalisierung erkennen und nutzen
ISBN: 9783658314552
Accelerating Digitalization: Chancen der Digitalisierung erkennen und nutzen in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Harald Proff; Springer Nature; 2021)
WorldCat: 1249473012
Accelerating Human Evolution by Theosophical Initiation: Annie Besant’s Pedagogy and the Creation of Benares Hindu University
ISBN: 9783110794564
Accelerating Human Evolution by Theosophical Initiation: Annie Besant’s Pedagogy and the Creation of Benares Hindu University in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Yves Mühlematter; De Gruyter; 2022)
WorldCat: 1359337266
Acceleration and Cultural Change: Dialogues From an Overheated World
ISBN: 9783031330988
Acceleration and Cultural Change: Dialogues From an Overheated World in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Thomas Hylland Eriksen; Springer Nature; 2024)
WorldCat: 1407032150
Accelerator-Driven System at Kyoto University Critical Assembly
ISBN: 9789811603433
Accelerator-Driven System at Kyoto University Critical Assembly in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Cheol Ho Pyeon; Springer Nature; 2021)
WorldCat: 1244536907
Accelerators in Silicon Valley: Building Successful Startups
ISBN: 9789462987166
Accelerators in Silicon Valley: Building Successful Startups in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Peter Ester; Amsterdam University Press; 2017)
WorldCat: 1019900996
Acceptance and Diffusion of Connected and Automated Driving in Japan and Germany
ISBN: 9783031598753
Acceptance and Diffusion of Connected and Automated Driving in Japan and Germany in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Christine Eisenmann; Springer Nature; 2025)
WorldCat: 1477782549
Access to Justice for Disadvantaged Communities
ISBN: 9781447311027
Access to Justice for Disadvantaged Communities in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Marjorie Mayo; Policy Press; 2014)
WorldCat: 875819528
Access to Medicines and Vaccines: Implementing Flexibilities Under Intellectual Property Law
ISBN: 9783030831134
Access to Medicines and Vaccines: Implementing Flexibilities Under Intellectual Property Law in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Carlos M. Correa; Springer Nature; 2022)
WorldCat: 1282300638
Access to Online Resources: A Guide for the Modern Librarian
ISBN: 9783319739892
Access to Online Resources: A Guide for the Modern Librarian in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Kristina Botyriute; Springer Nature; 2018)
WorldCat: 1041481769
Access to Public Sector Information Volume 1: Law, Technology and Policy
ISBN: 9781920899394
Access to Public Sector Information Volume 1: Law, Technology and Policy in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Fitzgerald, Professor Brian; University of Sydney; 2010)
WorldCat: 1391781353
Access to Public Sector Information Volume 2: Law, Technology and Policy
ISBN: 9781920899509
Access to Public Sector Information Volume 2: Law, Technology and Policy in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Fitzgerald, Professor Brian; University of Sydney; 2010)
WorldCat: 1391693644
Access to Science and Innovation in the Developing World: Economic Research Working Paper No.78
Access to Science and Innovation in the Developing World: Economic Research Working Paper No.78 in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Cuntz, Alexander; World Intellectual Property Organization; 2024)
WorldCat: 1431905266
Access to Social Justice: Effective Remedies for Social Rights
ISBN: 9781529237917
Access to Social Justice: Effective Remedies for Social Rights in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Katie Boyle; Policy Press; 2025)
WorldCat: 1484384539
Accessibility Denied. Understanding Inaccessibility and Everyday Resistance to Inclusion for Persons with Disabilities
ISBN: 9780367637286
Accessibility Denied. Understanding Inaccessibility and Everyday Resistance to Inclusion for Persons with Disabilities in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Hanna Egard; Taylor and Francis (Unlimited); 2022)
WorldCat: 1250434596
Accessing Post-School Studies: A Student's GPS to Successful Learning
ISBN: 9781928357414
Accessing Post-School Studies: A Student's GPS to Successful Learning in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Venica McGhie; AFRICAN SUN MeDIA; 2017)
WorldCat: 1223086347
Accidental Holy Land: The Communist Revolution in Northwest China
ISBN: 9780520385320
Accidental Holy Land: The Communist Revolution in Northwest China in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Joseph W. Esherick; University of California Press; 2022)
WorldCat: 1410137520
Acciones y realidades ante la manipulación social: redes sociales, publicidad y marketing
Acciones y realidades ante la manipulación social: redes sociales, publicidad y marketing in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Baena Cuder, Irene (Coordinador); Dykinson SL; 2023)
WorldCat: 1423777609
Accountability and the Law: Rights, Authority and Transparency of Public Power
ISBN: 9780367767334
Accountability and the Law: Rights, Authority and Transparency of Public Power in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Piotr Mikuli; Taylor and Francis (Unlimited); 2022)
WorldCat: 1238131422
Accountability in Public Policy Partnerships
ISBN: 9780230238978
Accountability in Public Policy Partnerships in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (J. Steets; Springer Nature; 2010)
WorldCat: 748541294
Accountability Relations in Social Housing Programs: A Comparative Legal Analysis of Brazilian and Chilean Case Studies
ISBN: 9783832554880
Accountability Relations in Social Housing Programs: A Comparative Legal Analysis of Brazilian and Chilean Case Studies in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Mariana Vilmondes; Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH; 2022)
WorldCat: 1365391199
Accounting and Auditing Practices in Africa
ISBN: 9781928357438
Accounting and Auditing Practices in Africa in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Mariaan Roos; AFRICAN SUN MeDIA; 2017)
WorldCat: 1121159189
Accounting and Statistical Analyses for Sustainable Development: Multiple Perspectives and Information-Theoretic Complexity Reduction
ISBN: 9783658332457
Accounting and Statistical Analyses for Sustainable Development: Multiple Perspectives and Information-Theoretic Complexity Reduction in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Claudia Lemke; Springer Nature; 2021)
WorldCat: 1244536123
Accounting Challenges for Sustainability and Innovations
Accounting Challenges for Sustainability and Innovations in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Marzena Remlein (ed.); Poznan University of Economics and Business; 2021)
WorldCat: 1337589898
Accounting for Social and Environmental Sustainability: A Multi-Capital Approach
ISBN: 9781032883922
Accounting for Social and Environmental Sustainability: A Multi-Capital Approach in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Delphine Gibassier; Taylor and Francis (Unlimited); 2025)
WorldCat: 1484085259
Accustomed to Obedience?: Classical Ionia and the Aegean World, 480–294 BCE
ISBN: 9780472133376
Accustomed to Obedience?: Classical Ionia and the Aegean World, 480–294 BCE in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Joshua P. Nudell; University of Michigan Press; 2023)
WorldCat: 1356744061
Acercamientos a las poéticas de Oliverio Girondo: Estudio específico sobre un poeta de la vanguardia argentina
ISBN: 9788383311968
Acercamientos a las poéticas de Oliverio Girondo: Estudio específico sobre un poeta de la vanguardia argentina in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Anna Wendorff; Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Lódzkiego (University of Lodz Publisher); 2023)
WorldCat: 1411228283
Acetylsalicylic Acid
ISBN: 9783110745726
Acetylsalicylic Acid in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Karsten Schrör; De Gruyter; 2022)
WorldCat: 1335763300
Achievements and Trends in Material Forming
ISBN: 9783035717594
Achievements and Trends in Material Forming in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Gabriela Vincze; Trans Tech Publications, Ltd; 2022)
WorldCat: 1350687149
Achieving Global Open Access: The Need for Scientific, Epistemic and Participatory Openness
ISBN: 9781032625751
Achieving Global Open Access: The Need for Scientific, Epistemic and Participatory Openness in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Stephen Pinfield; Taylor and Francis (Unlimited); 2024)
WorldCat: 1433223688
Achieving Inclusive Growth in the Asia Pacific
ISBN: 9781760463816
Achieving Inclusive Growth in the Asia Pacific in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Adam Triggs; ANU Press; 2020)
WorldCat: 1159739893
Achieving the Paris Climate Agreement Goals: Global and Regional 100% Renewable Energy Scenarios with Non-energy GHG Pathways for +1.5°C and +2°C
ISBN: 9783030058425
Achieving the Paris Climate Agreement Goals: Part 2: Science-based Target Setting for the Finance Industry — Net-Zero Sectoral 1.5˚C Pathways for Real Economy Sectors
ISBN: 9783030991760
Achieving Zero Hunger in India: Challenges and Policies
ISBN: 9789819944125
Achieving Zero Hunger in India: Challenges and Policies in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (S. Mahendra Dev; Springer Nature; 2024)
WorldCat: 1399968422
Achtsamkeit als kulturelle Praxis: Zu den Selbst-Welt-Modellen eines populären Phänomens
ISBN: 9783837652307
Achtsamkeit als kulturelle Praxis: Zu den Selbst-Welt-Modellen eines populären Phänomens in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Jacob Schmidt; Transcript Verlag; 2020)
WorldCat: 1158100374
Achtsamkeit und Meditation im Hochschulkontext: 10 Jahre Münchner Modell
ISBN: 9783837656381
Achtsamkeit und Meditation im Hochschulkontext: 10 Jahre Münchner Modell in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Andreas de Bruin; Transcript Verlag; 2021)
WorldCat: 1243310671
Achtsamkeit und pädagogische Professionalität in der Lehrer*innenbildung
ISBN: 9783837670028
Achtsamkeit und pädagogische Professionalität in der Lehrer*innenbildung in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Dominik Weghaupt; Transcript Verlag; 2024)
WorldCat: 1443531603
Ackerbau des Lebendigen: Tiere, Wissenschaft und Anthroposophie in der biodynamischen Landwirtschaft
ISBN: 9783837670387
Ackerbau des Lebendigen: Tiere, Wissenschaft und Anthroposophie in der biodynamischen Landwirtschaft in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Stéphanie Majerus; Transcript Verlag; 2024)
WorldCat: 1432159551
Acoustemologies in Contact: Sounding Subjects and Modes of Listening in Early Modernity
ISBN: 9781800640351
Acoustemologies in Contact: Sounding Subjects and Modes of Listening in Early Modernity in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Emily Wilbourne; Thoth Open Metadata; 2021)
WorldCat: 1233024341
Acoustic Self in English Modernism and Beyond: Writing Musically, The
ISBN: 9781032025841
Acoustic Self in English Modernism and Beyond: Writing Musically, The in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Zoltan Varga; Taylor and Francis (Unlimited); 2022)
WorldCat: 1281792366
Acquired Alterity: Migration, Identity, and Literary Nationalism
ISBN: 9780520383043
Acquired Alterity: Migration, Identity, and Literary Nationalism in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Edward Mack; University of California Press; 2022)
WorldCat: 1260692295
Acquisition of Africa : The Nature of International Law, The
ISBN: 9789004319134
Acquisition of Africa : The Nature of International Law, The in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Mieke van der Linden; Brill Academic Publishers; 2017)
WorldCat: 957656487
Acrolect in Jamaica, The
Acrolect in Jamaica, The in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Irvine-Sobers, G. Alison; Language Science Press; 2018)
WorldCat: 1082956692
Across Species and Cultures: Whales, Humans, and Pacific Worlds
ISBN: 9780824888985
Across Species and Cultures: Whales, Humans, and Pacific Worlds in EBSCO eBook Open Access (OA) Collection (Ryan Tucker Jones; University of Hawai'i; 2022)
WorldCat: 1346260261