Elgar Law 2014
International Handbook on Whistleblowing Research
ISBN: 9781781006788
International Handbook on Whistleblowing Research in Elgar Law 2014 (Brown; Edward Elgar Publishing; 2014)
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WorldCat: 883432251
International Merger Policy
ISBN: 9781781000014
International Merger Policy in Elgar Law 2014 (Clarke; Edward Elgar Publishing; 2014)
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WorldCat: 879774685
Internationalisation of Legal Education, The
ISBN: 9781783474530
Internationalisation of Legal Education, The in Elgar Law 2014 (van Caenegem; Edward Elgar Publishing; 2014)
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WorldCat: 890072329
Jurisdiction and Private International Law
ISBN: 9781782544265
Jurisdiction and Private International Law in Elgar Law 2014 (Borchers; Edward Elgar Publishing; 2014)
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WorldCat: 934675229
Justice for Future Generations
ISBN: 9780857934154
Justice for Future Generations in Elgar Law 2014 (Lawrence; Edward Elgar Publishing; 2014)
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WorldCat: 878919776
Law and Policy of the European Gas Market
ISBN: 9781783473465
Law and Policy of the European Gas Market in Elgar Law 2014 (Waloszyk; Edward Elgar Publishing; 2014)
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WorldCat: 886110269
Law of Securities, Commodities and Bank Accounts, The
ISBN: 9781782549017
Law of Securities, Commodities and Bank Accounts, The in Elgar Law 2014 (Dubovec; Edward Elgar Publishing; 2014)
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WorldCat: 878977905
Legal Innovations in Asia
ISBN: 9781783472789
Legal Innovations in Asia in Elgar Law 2014 (Haley; Edward Elgar Publishing; 2014)
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WorldCat: 894171526
Patent Law in Greater China
ISBN: 9781781954836
Patent Law in Greater China in Elgar Law 2014 (Luginbuehl; Edward Elgar Publishing; 2014)
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WorldCat: 890359838
Pharmaceuticals, Corporate Crime and Public Health
ISBN: 9781783471096
Pharmaceuticals, Corporate Crime and Public Health in Elgar Law 2014 (Dukes; Edward Elgar Publishing; 2014)
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WorldCat: 881759133
Polar Oceans Governance in an Era of Environmental Change
ISBN: 9781781955444
Polar Oceans Governance in an Era of Environmental Change in Elgar Law 2014 (Stephens; Edward Elgar Publishing; 2014)
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WorldCat: 878919733
Police Corruption: Essential Readings
ISBN: 9781783475568
Police Corruption: Essential Readings in Elgar Law 2014 (Holmes; Edward Elgar Publishing; 2014)
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WorldCat: 1027550149
Political Technology and the Erosion of the Rule of Law
ISBN: 9781783472505
Political Technology and the Erosion of the Rule of Law in Elgar Law 2014 (Frankenberg; Edward Elgar Publishing; 2014)
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WorldCat: 872667769
Politics of Law and Stability in China, The
ISBN: 9781783473861
Politics of Law and Stability in China, The in Elgar Law 2014 (Trevaskes; Edward Elgar Publishing; 2014)
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WorldCat: 886110261
Preferential Liberalization of Trade in Services, The
ISBN: 9781782548959
Preferential Liberalization of Trade in Services, The in Elgar Law 2014 (Sauvé; Edward Elgar Publishing; 2014)
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WorldCat: 879788822
Primer on International Copyright and Related Rights
ISBN: 9781783470952
Primer on International Copyright and Related Rights in Elgar Law 2014 (Blomqvist; Edward Elgar Publishing; 2014)
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WorldCat: 880861018
Principle of National Treatment in International Economic Law, The
ISBN: 9781783471218
Principle of National Treatment in International Economic Law, The in Elgar Law 2014 (Kamperman Sanders; Edward Elgar Publishing; 2014)
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WorldCat: 894171146
Private Enforcement of Antitrust
ISBN: 9781849804592
Private Enforcement of Antitrust in Elgar Law 2014 (Andreangeli; Edward Elgar Publishing; 2014)
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WorldCat: 886110272
Protection of Geographical Indications, The
ISBN: 9781782546719
Protection of Geographical Indications, The in Elgar Law 2014 (Blakeney; Edward Elgar Publishing; 2014)
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WorldCat: 881823360
Public–Private Partnerships and the Law
ISBN: 9781781004548
Public–Private Partnerships and the Law in Elgar Law 2014 (Marique; Edward Elgar Publishing; 2014)
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WorldCat: 890072333
Regulating Judicial Activity in Europe
ISBN: 9781783478927
Regulating Judicial Activity in Europe in Elgar Law 2014 (Network of the Presidents of the Supreme Judicial Courts of the European Union; Edward Elgar Publishing; 2014)
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WorldCat: 896855148
Regulatory Worlds
ISBN: 9781783470303
Regulatory Worlds in Elgar Law 2014 (Findlay; Edward Elgar Publishing; 2014)
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WorldCat: 894171520
Renewable Energy Law in the EU
ISBN: 9781783473182
Renewable Energy Law in the EU in Elgar Law 2014 (Peeters; Edward Elgar Publishing; 2014)
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WorldCat: 896855208
Renmin Chinese Law Review
ISBN: 9781783473786
Renmin Chinese Law Review in Elgar Law 2014 (Shi; Edward Elgar Publishing; 2014)
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WorldCat: 878919745
Research Handbook on Cross-border Enforcement of Intellectual Property
ISBN: 9781781955796
Research Handbook on Cross-border Enforcement of Intellectual Property in Elgar Law 2014 (Torremans; Edward Elgar Publishing; 2014)
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WorldCat: 896854581
Research Handbook on Directors’ Duties
ISBN: 9781781004401
Research Handbook on Directors’ Duties in Elgar Law 2014 (Paolini; Edward Elgar Publishing; 2014)
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WorldCat: 897378526
Research Handbook on EU Internet Law
ISBN: 9781782544166
Research Handbook on EU Internet Law in Elgar Law 2014 (Savin; Edward Elgar Publishing; 2014)
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WorldCat: 892732022
Research Handbook on International Energy Law
ISBN: 9781781002193
Research Handbook on International Energy Law in Elgar Law 2014 (Talus; Edward Elgar Publishing; 2014)
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WorldCat: 878919816
Research Handbook on International Law and Migration
ISBN: 9780857930040
Research Handbook on International Law and Migration in Elgar Law 2014 (Chetail; Edward Elgar Publishing; 2014)
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WorldCat: 875293917
Research Handbook on International Law and Terrorism
ISBN: 9780857938800
Research Handbook on International Law and Terrorism in Elgar Law 2014 (Saul; Edward Elgar Publishing; 2014)
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WorldCat: 881839669
Research Handbook on Securities Regulation in the United States
ISBN: 9781782540069
Research Handbook on Securities Regulation in the United States in Elgar Law 2014 (Markham; Edward Elgar Publishing; 2014)
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WorldCat: 886110295
Research Handbook on the Law of Treaties
ISBN: 9780857934772
Research Handbook on the Law of Treaties in Elgar Law 2014 (Tams; Edward Elgar Publishing; 2014)
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WorldCat: 892240015
Research Handbook on Transparency
ISBN: 9781781007938
Research Handbook on Transparency in Elgar Law 2014 (Ala’i; Edward Elgar Publishing; 2014)
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WorldCat: 883514962
Safeguard Measures in World Trade
ISBN: 9781781956069
Safeguard Measures in World Trade in Elgar Law 2014 (Lee; Edward Elgar Publishing; 2014)
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WorldCat: 871257916
South China Sea Disputes and Law of the Sea, The
ISBN: 9781783477265
South China Sea Disputes and Law of the Sea, The in Elgar Law 2014 (Jayakumar; Edward Elgar Publishing; 2014)
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WorldCat: 890072361
Standardization under EU Competition Rules and US Antitrust Laws
ISBN: 9781781954850
Standardization under EU Competition Rules and US Antitrust Laws in Elgar Law 2014 (Lundqvist; Edward Elgar Publishing; 2014)
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WorldCat: 880826893
Trade Secrets and Undisclosed Information
ISBN: 9781783472963
Trade Secrets and Undisclosed Information in Elgar Law 2014 (Sandeen; Edward Elgar Publishing; 2014)
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WorldCat: 911177343
Trademark and Unfair Competition Law
ISBN: 9781848442375
Trademark and Unfair Competition Law in Elgar Law 2014 (Dinwoodie; Edward Elgar Publishing; 2014)
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WorldCat: 972053681
Trademark Protection and Territoriality Challenges in a Global Economy
ISBN: 9781781953907
Trademark Protection and Territoriality Challenges in a Global Economy in Elgar Law 2014 (Calboli; Edward Elgar Publishing; 2014)
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WorldCat: 872667992
TRIPS and Developing Countries
ISBN: 9781849804851
TRIPS and Developing Countries in Elgar Law 2014 (Ghidini; Edward Elgar Publishing; 2014)
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WorldCat: 1404388533
Water and the Law
ISBN: 9781783479603
Water and the Law in Elgar Law 2014 (Kidd; Edward Elgar Publishing; 2014)
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WorldCat: 894276284
WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, The
ISBN: 9781845424435
WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, The in Elgar Law 2014 (Malbon; Edward Elgar Publishing; 2014)
Collection record | Purchased multi-user unlimited access
WorldCat: 972055544