ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased)
T. H. Green: Ethics, Metaphysics, and Political Philosophy
ISBN: 9780199271665
T. H. Green: Ethics, Metaphysics, and Political Philosophy in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Dimova-Cookson, Maria; Oxford University Press; 2006)
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WorldCat: 609830158
T. S. Eliot. Lives and Legacies
ISBN: 9780195309935
T. S. Eliot. Lives and Legacies in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Raine, Craig; Oxford University Press, USA; 2006)
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WorldCat: 819513640
Taboo of Subjectivity, The: Toward a New Science of Consciousness
ISBN: 9780195132076
Taboo of Subjectivity, The: Toward a New Science of Consciousness in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Wallace, B. Alan; Oxford University Press, USA; 2004)
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WorldCat: 252575374
Taboo of Subjectivity, The: Toward a New Science of Consciousness in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Wallace, B. Alan; Oxford University Press, USA; 2000)
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WorldCat: 466431713
Taking Charge: A School-Based Life Skills Program for Adolescent Mothers
ISBN: 9780195172942
Taking Charge: A School-Based Life Skills Program for Adolescent Mothers in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Harris, Mary Beth; Franklin, Cynthia; Oxford University Press, USA; 2007)
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WorldCat: 213448831
Taking Heaven by Storm: Methodism and the Rise of Popular Christianity in America
ISBN: 9780195104523
Taking Heaven by Storm: Methodism and the Rise of Popular Christianity in America in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Wigger, John H.; Oxford University Press, USA; 1998)
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WorldCat: 466427980
Tale of the Scale : An Odyssey of Invention
ISBN: 9780195158687
Tale of the Scale : An Odyssey of Invention in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Angel, Solly; Oxford University Press, USA; 2004)
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WorldCat: 57136043
Talk Is Cheap: Sarcasm, Alienation, and the Evolution of Language
ISBN: 9780195115246
Talk Is Cheap: Sarcasm, Alienation, and the Evolution of Language in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Haiman, John; Oxford University Press, USA; 1998)
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WorldCat: 252598275
Talking about Laughter : and Other Studies in Greek Comedy: and Other Studies in Greek Comedy
ISBN: 9780191569685
Talking about Laughter : and Other Studies in Greek Comedy: and Other Studies in Greek Comedy in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Sommerstein, Alan H; Oxford University Press, USA; 2009)
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WorldCat: 671767395
Talking Ape, The: How Language Evolved
ISBN: 9780199279401
Talking Ape, The: How Language Evolved in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Burling, Robbins; Oxford University Press; 2005)
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WorldCat: 76962648
Taming the System: The Control of Discretion in Criminal Justice 1950-1990
ISBN: 9780195078206
Taming the System: The Control of Discretion in Criminal Justice 1950-1990 in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Walker, Samuel; Oxford University Press, USA; 1993)
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WorldCat: 228117735
Taxation: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Research
ISBN: 9780199242931
Taxation: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Research in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Lamb, Margaret; Oxford University Press; 2005)
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WorldCat: 85895054
Taxing Capital Income in the European Union: Issues and Options for Reform
ISBN: 9780198297833
Taxing Capital Income in the European Union: Issues and Options for Reform in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Cnossen, Sijbren; Oxford University Press; 2000)
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WorldCat: 252662177
Teaching Freud
ISBN: 9780195157680
Teaching Freud in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Jonte-Pace, Diane; Oxford University Press, USA; 2003)
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WorldCat: 61730880
Teaching Islam
ISBN: 9780195152258
Teaching Islam in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Wheeler, Brannon M.; Oxford University Press, USA; 2003)
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WorldCat: 252665992
Teaching Spirits: Understanding Native American Religious Traditions
ISBN: 9780195138757
Teaching Spirits: Understanding Native American Religious Traditions in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Brown, Joseph Epes; Cousins, Emily; Oxford University Press, USA; 2001)
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WorldCat: 320407076
Tears before the Rain: An Oral History of the Fall of South Vietnam
ISBN: 9780195053869
Tears before the Rain: An Oral History of the Fall of South Vietnam in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Larry Engelmann; Oxford University Press, USA; 1990)
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WorldCat: 252543059
Tears of the Tree: The Story of Rubber - A Modern Marvel
ISBN: 9780198568407
Tears of the Tree: The Story of Rubber - A Modern Marvel in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Loadman, John; Oxford University Press; 2005)
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WorldCat: 252697189
Technology and Strategy: Conceptual Models and Diagnostics
ISBN: 9780195079494
Technology and Strategy: Conceptual Models and Diagnostics in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Goodman, Richard A.; Lawless, Michael W.; Oxford University Press, USA; 1994)
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WorldCat: 252550658
Technology and the Future of Work
ISBN: 9780195071719
Technology and the Future of Work in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Adler, Paul S.; Oxford University Press, USA; 1992)
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WorldCat: 133160078
Telecommunications in Africa
ISBN: 9780195102017
Telecommunications in Africa in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Noam, Eli M.; Oxford University Press, USA; 1999)
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WorldCat: 252641181
Telecommunications in Europe
ISBN: 9780195070521
Telecommunications in Europe in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Eli Noam; Oxford University Press, USA; 1992)
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WorldCat: 252618313
Telecommunications, Mass Media, and Democracy: The Battle for the Control of U.S. Broadcasting, 1928-1935
ISBN: 9780195093940
Telecommunications, Mass Media, and Democracy: The Battle for the Control of U.S. Broadcasting, 1928-1935 in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (McChesney, Robert W.; Oxford University Press, USA; 1993)
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WorldCat: 437173354
Teleosemantics: New Philosophical Essays
ISBN: 9780199270279
Teleosemantics: New Philosophical Essays in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Macdonald, Graham; Papineau, David; Oxford University Press, USA; 2006)
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WorldCat: 824558572
Television and New Media Audiences
ISBN: 9780198711414
Television and New Media Audiences in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Seiter, Ellen; Oxford University Press; 1999)
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WorldCat: 814491243
Television, Childhood, and the Home: A History of the Making of the Child Television Audience in Britain
ISBN: 9780198742609
Television, Childhood, and the Home: A History of the Making of the Child Television Audience in Britain in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Oswell, David; Oxford University Press, USA; 2002)
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WorldCat: 253009572
Telling Our Selves: Ethnicity and Discourse in Southwestern Alaska. Oxford Studies in Anthropological Linguistics
ISBN: 9780195094763
Telling Our Selves: Ethnicity and Discourse in Southwestern Alaska. Oxford Studies in Anthropological Linguistics in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Hensel, Chase; Oxford University Press, USA; 1996)
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WorldCat: 821689118
Tenacious of Their Liberties : The Congregationalists in Colonial Massachusetts
ISBN: 9780195113600
Tenacious of Their Liberties : The Congregationalists in Colonial Massachusetts in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (James F. Cooper; Oxford University Press, USA; 2004)
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WorldCat: 44959931
Tenant of Wildfell Hall, The
ISBN: 9780192834621
Tenant of Wildfell Hall, The in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Brontë, Anne; Rosengarten, Herbert; Smith, Margaret; Oxford University Press; 1998)
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WorldCat: 311260076
Tender Years, The: Toward Developmentally Sensitive Child Welfare Services for Very Young Children. Child Welfare Series
ISBN: 9780195114539
Tender Years, The: Toward Developmentally Sensitive Child Welfare Services for Very Young Children. Child Welfare Series in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Berrick, Jill Duerr; Needell, Barbara; Barth, Richard P.; Oxford Scholarship Online; 1998)
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WorldCat: 315479847
Tending the Heart of Virtue: How Classic Stories Awaken a Child's Moral Imagination
ISBN: 9780195152647
Tending the Heart of Virtue: How Classic Stories Awaken a Child's Moral Imagination in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Guroian, Vigen; Oxford University Press, USA; 2002)
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WorldCat: 765267342
ISBN: 9780195178517
Tenochtitlan in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Leonardo Lopez Lujan;Judy Levin; Oxford University Press, USA; 2006)
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WorldCat: 814464901
Tense and Aspect in Bantu
ISBN: 9780199239290
Tense and Aspect in Bantu in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Nurse, Derek; Oxford University Press; 2008)
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WorldCat: 458705842
Tenth Muse, The: Writing about Cinema in the Modernist Period
ISBN: 9780199230273
Tenth Muse, The: Writing about Cinema in the Modernist Period in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Marcus, Laura; Oxford University Press; 2007)
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WorldCat: 227007941
Terence, The Comedies
ISBN: 9780198149712
Terence, The Comedies in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Brown, Peter; Oxford University Press; 2006)
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WorldCat: 437094918
Terror in the Balance: Security, Liberty, and the Courts
ISBN: 9780195310252
Terror in the Balance: Security, Liberty, and the Courts in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Posner, Eric A.; Vermeule, Adrian; Oxford University Press, USA; 2006)
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WorldCat: 609351542
Terrorism and Modern Literature: From Joseph Conrad to Ciaran Carson
ISBN: 9780198187714
Terrorism and Modern Literature in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Houen, Alex; Oxford University Press; 2002)
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WorldCat: 53971578
Terrorism and Modern Literature: From Joseph Conrad to Ciaran Carson in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Houen, Alex; Oxford University Press, USA; 2002)
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WorldCat: 53971578
Terrorism: A Very Short Introduction
ISBN: 9780192801685
Terrorism: A Very Short Introduction in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Townshend, Charles; Oxford University Press; 2002)
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WorldCat: 53972557
Terrors of the Table: The Curious History of Nutrition
ISBN: 9780192806611
Terrors of the Table: The Curious History of Nutrition in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Gratzer, Walter; Oxford University Press; 2005)
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WorldCat: 77519953
Tess of the d'Urbervilles
ISBN: 9780192840691
Tess of the d'Urbervilles in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Hardy, Thomas; Gatrell, Simon; Grindle, Juliet; Boumelha, Penny; Oxford University Press; 2005)
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WorldCat: 252697216
Text and Act: Essays on Music and Performance
ISBN: 9780195094589
Text and Act: Essays on Music and Performance in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Taruskin, Richard; Oxford University Press, USA; 1995)
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WorldCat: 191942125
Text of Genesis 1-11, The: Textual Studies and Critical Edition
ISBN: 9780195119619
Text of Genesis 1-11, The: Textual Studies and Critical Edition in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Hendel, Ronald S.; Oxford University Press, USA; 1998)
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WorldCat: 466431721
Textbook of Palliative Nursing
ISBN: 9780195175493
Textbook of Palliative Nursing in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Ferrell, Betty Rolling; Oxford University Press, USA; 2005)
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WorldCat: 814469298
Texture of Industry, The: Archaeological View of the Industrialization of North America, An
ISBN: 9780195111415
Texture of Industry, The: Archaeological View of the Industrialization of North America, An in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Gordon, Robert B.; Malone, Patrick M.; Oxford University Press, USA; 1994)
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WorldCat: 47011023
Thailand at the Margins: Internationalization of the State and the Transformation of Labour
ISBN: 9780199267637
Thailand at the Margins: Internationalization of the State and the Transformation of Labour in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Glassman, Jim; Oxford University Press; 2004)
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WorldCat: 437108896
That Man: An Insider's Portrait of Franklin D. Roosevelt
ISBN: 9780195168266
That Man: An Insider's Portrait of Franklin D. Roosevelt in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Jackson, Robert H.; Leuchtenburg, William E.; Oxford University Press, USA; 2005)
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WorldCat: 437108499
That the People Might Live: Native American Literatures and Native American Community
ISBN: 9780195120370
That the People Might Live: Native American Literatures and Native American Community in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Weaver, Jace; Oxford University Press, USA; 1997)
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WorldCat: 44960742
The Ambassadors and America's Soviet Policy
ISBN: 9780195068023
The Ambassadors and America's Soviet Policy in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Mayers, David; Oxford University Press, USA; 1995)
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WorldCat: 252589107
The Arabian Frontier of the British Raj : Merchants, Rulers, and the British in the Nineteenth-Century Gulf
ISBN: 9780199228102
The Arabian Frontier of the British Raj : Merchants, Rulers, and the British in the Nineteenth-Century Gulf in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Onley, James; Oxford University Press; 2007)
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WorldCat: 225124444