ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased)
Classical Tradition, The: Greek and Roman Influences on Western Literature
ISBN: 9780195002065
Classical Tradition, The: Greek and Roman Influences on Western Literature in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Highet, Gilbert; Oxford University Press, USA; 1985)
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WorldCat: 252583067
Classifiers: A Typology of Noun Categorization Devices
ISBN: 9780198238867
Classifiers: A Typology of Noun Categorization Devices in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Aikhenvald, Alexander Y; Oxford University Press; 2000)
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WorldCat: 814405423
Clause Structure and Word Order in Hebrew and Arabic: An Essay in Comparative Semitic Syntax. Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax
ISBN: 9780195108668
Clause Structure and Word Order in Hebrew and Arabic: An Essay in Comparative Semitic Syntax. Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Shlonsky, Ur; Oxford University Press, USA; 1997)
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WorldCat: 814452712
Clean: A History of Personal Hygiene and Purity
ISBN: 9780199297795
Clean: A History of Personal Hygiene and Purity in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Smith, Virginia; Oxford University Press; 2007)
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WorldCat: 169946364
Clear and to the Point: 8 Psychological Principles for Compelling PowerPoint Presentations
ISBN: 9780195320695
Clear and to the Point: 8 Psychological Principles for Compelling PowerPoint Presentations in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Kosslyn, Stephen M.; Oxford University Press, USA; 2007)
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WorldCat: 320779746
Climate Change Policy
ISBN: 9780199281466
Climate Change Policy in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Helm, Dieter; Oxford University Press; 2005)
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WorldCat: 252695725
Clinical Applications of Evidence-Based Family Interventions
ISBN: 9780195149524
Clinical Applications of Evidence-Based Family Interventions in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Corcoran, Jacqueline; Oxford University Press, USA; 2003)
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WorldCat: 62892800
Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis in Social Work Practice
ISBN: 9780195168303
Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis in Social Work Practice in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Corcoran, Jacqueline; Walsh, Joseph; Oxford University Press, USA; 2006)
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WorldCat: 71793019
Clinical Social Work Practice: Cognitive-Integrative Perspective, A
ISBN: 9780195110371
Clinical Social Work Practice: Cognitive-Integrative Perspective, A in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Berlin, Sharon B.; Oxford University Press, USA; 2002)
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WorldCat: 64668441
Clinical Trials in Psychiatry
ISBN: 9780198526421
Clinical Trials in Psychiatry in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Everitt, Brian S.; Wessely, Simon; Oxford University Press; 2004)
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WorldCat: 60625455
Close Listening: Poetry and the Performed Word
ISBN: 9780195109917
Close Listening: Poetry and the Performed Word in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Bernstein, Charles; Oxford University Press, USA; 1998)
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WorldCat: 782867124
Clusters, Networks, and Innovation
ISBN: 9780199275557
Clusters, Networks, and Innovation in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Breschi, Stefano; Oxford University Press; 2006)
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WorldCat: 139991335
Codes and Consequences: Choosing Linguistic Varieties
ISBN: 9780195115222
Codes and Consequences: Choosing Linguistic Varieties in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Myers-Scotton, Carol; Oxford University Press, USA; 1998)
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WorldCat: 191948500
Cogitations: A Study of the Cogito in Relation to the Philosophy of Logic and Language and a Study of Them in Relation to the Cogito
ISBN: 9780195055504
Cogitations: A Study of the Cogito in Relation to the Philosophy of Logic and Language and a Study of Them in Relation to the Cogito in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Katz, Jerrold J.; Oxford University Press, USA; 1988)
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WorldCat: 191935364
Cognition and Commitment in Hume's Philosophy
ISBN: 9780195097214
Cognition and Commitment in Hume's Philosophy in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Garrett, Don; Oxford University Press, USA; 1997)
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WorldCat: 47011552
Cognition and Emotion. Counterpoints: Cognition, Memory, and Language
ISBN: 9780195113334
Cognition and Emotion. Counterpoints: Cognition, Memory, and Language in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Eich, Eric; Oxford University Press, USA; 2000)
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WorldCat: 819509816
Cognition, Computation, and Consciousness
ISBN: 9780198524144
Cognition, Computation, and Consciousness in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Ito, Masao; Miyashita, Yasushi; Rolls, Edmund T.; Oxford University Press; 1997)
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WorldCat: 53957518
Cognitive Dimensions of Social Science : The Way We Think about Politics, Economics, Law, and Society
ISBN: 9780195139044
Cognitive Dimensions of Social Science : The Way We Think about Politics, Economics, Law, and Society in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Turner, Mark; Oxford University Press, USA; 2001)
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WorldCat: 62868596
Cognitive Foundations of Grammar
ISBN: 9780195102512
Cognitive Foundations of Grammar in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Heine, Bernd; Oxford University Press, USA; 1997)
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WorldCat: 466424456
Cognitive Interfaces: Constraints on Linking Cognitive Information. Oxford Linguistics
ISBN: 9780198299615
Cognitive Interfaces: Constraints on Linking Cognitive Information. Oxford Linguistics in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Nikanne, Urpo; Oxford University Press; 2001)
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WorldCat: 814479148
Cognitive Neuroscience of Aging: Linking Cognitive and Cerebral Aging
ISBN: 9780195156744
Cognitive Neuroscience of Aging: Linking Cognitive and Cerebral Aging in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Cabeza, Roberto; Oxford University Press, USA; 2004)
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WorldCat: 61344296
Cognitive-Behavioral Stress Management for Prostate Cancer Recovery Workbook
ISBN: 9780195336986
Cognitive-Behavioral Stress Management for Prostate Cancer Recovery Workbook in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Antoni, Michael H.; Schneiderman, Neil; Oxford University Press, USA; 2008)
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WorldCat: 352925872
Cold War and Soviet Insecurity, The: The Stalin Years
ISBN: 9780195126594
Cold War and Soviet Insecurity, The: The Stalin Years in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Mastny, Vojtech; Oxford University Press, USA; 1998)
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WorldCat: 65177067
Cold War Criticism and the Politics of Skepticism
ISBN: 9780195079654
Cold War Criticism and the Politics of Skepticism in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Siebers, Tobin; Oxford University Press, USA; 1993)
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WorldCat: 191932219
Colditz Myth, The: British and Commonwealth Prisoners of War in Nazi Germany
ISBN: 9780199203079
Colditz Myth, The: British and Commonwealth Prisoners of War in Nazi Germany in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Mackenzie, S.P.; Oxford University Press, USA; 2006)
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WorldCat: 646790789
Coleridge and Textual Instability: The Multiple Versions of the Major Poems
ISBN: 9780195085839
Coleridge and Textual Instability: The Multiple Versions of the Major Poems in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Stillinger, Jack; Oxford University Press, USA; 1994)
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WorldCat: 191935541
Coleridge's Notebooks: A Selection
ISBN: 9780198712015
Coleridge's Notebooks: A Selection in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Coleridge, Samuel Taylor; Oxford University Press; 2002)
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WorldCat: 53972515
Collaborative Advantage: Winning through Extended Enterprise Supplier Networks
ISBN: 9780195130683
Collaborative Advantage: Winning through Extended Enterprise Supplier Networks in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Dyer, Jeffrey H.; Oxford University Press, USA; 2000)
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WorldCat: 133167172
Collaborative Intervention in Early Childhood: Consulting with Parents and Teachers of 3- to 7-Year-Olds
ISBN: 9780195331202
Collaborative Intervention in Early Childhood: Consulting with Parents and Teachers of 3- to 7-Year-Olds in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Hirschland, Doborah; Oxford University Press, USA; 2008)
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WorldCat: 271639378
Collected Letters of Katherine Mansfield. Volume Four, The: 1920-1921
ISBN: 9780198185321
Collected Letters of Katherine Mansfield. Volume Four, The: 1920-1921 in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Mansfield, Katherine; Oxford University Press; 1996)
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WorldCat: 252650350
Collected Letters of W. B. Yeats, The: Volume IV: 1905-1907
ISBN: 9780198126843
Collected Letters of W. B. Yeats, The: Volume IV: 1905-1907 in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Yeats, W.B.; Oxford University Press; 2005)
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WorldCat: 252627445
Collected Poems, The
ISBN: 9780199212927
Collected Poems, The in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Cavafy, C. P.; Oxford University Press; 2007)
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WorldCat: 420934968
Collected Works of Gerard Manley Hopkins, The: Volume IV: Oxford Essays and Notes 1863-1868
ISBN: 9780199285457
Collected Works of Gerard Manley Hopkins, The: Volume IV: Oxford Essays and Notes 1863-1868 in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Higgins, Lesley; Oxford University Press, USA; 2006)
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WorldCat: 815189229
Collected Writings of Samson Occom, Mohegan, The
ISBN: 9780195170832
Collected Writings of Samson Occom, Mohegan, The in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Samson Occom; Joanna Brooks; Robert Warrior; Oxford University Press, USA; 2006)
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WorldCat: 76967994
Collision Course : The Strange Convergence of Affirmative Action and Immigration Policy in America
ISBN: 9780195143188
Collision Course : The Strange Convergence of Affirmative Action and Immigration Policy in America in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Graham, Hugh Davis; Oxford University Press, USA; 2002)
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WorldCat: 57491414
Colloquy of Montbéliard, The: Religion and Politics in the Sixteenth Century
ISBN: 9780195075663
Colloquy of Montbéliard, The: Religion and Politics in the Sixteenth Century in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Jill Raitt; Oxford University Press, USA; 1993)
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WorldCat: 252608976
Colonel Edward Saunderson: Land and Loyalty in Victorian Ireland
ISBN: 9780198204985
Colonel Edward Saunderson: Land and Loyalty in Victorian Ireland in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Jackson, Alvin; Oxford University Press; 1995)
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WorldCat: 252651373
Colonial America: A History in Documents
ISBN: 9780195137477
Colonial America: A History in Documents in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Gray, Edward G.; Oxford University Press, USA; 2003)
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WorldCat: 252664430
Colonial and Postcolonial Literature: Migrant Metaphors
ISBN: 9780199253715
Colonial and Postcolonial Literature: Migrant Metaphors in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Boehmer, Elleke; Oxford University Press; 2005)
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WorldCat: 181141908
Colonial Women: Race and Culture in Stuart Drama
ISBN: 9780195141887
Colonial Women: Race and Culture in Stuart Drama in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Hutner, Heidi; Oxford University Press, USA; 2001)
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WorldCat: 560171357
Color by Fox : The Fox Network and the Revolution in Black Television
ISBN: 9780195105483
Color by Fox : The Fox Network and the Revolution in Black Television in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Kristal Brent Zook; Oxford University Press, USA; 2003)
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WorldCat: 252605331
Color-Blind Justice: Albion Tourgee and the Quest for Racial Equality from the Civil War to Plessy v. Ferguson
ISBN: 9780195181395
Color-Blind Justice: Albion Tourgee and the Quest for Racial Equality from the Civil War to Plessy v. Ferguson in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Elliot, Mark Emory; Oxford University Press, USA; 2006)
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WorldCat: 191924287
Colossus: The Secrets of Bletchley Park's Code-breaking Computers
ISBN: 9780192840554
Colossus: The Secrets of Bletchley Park's Code-breaking Computers in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Copeland, Jack; Oxford University Press; 2006)
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WorldCat: 76960903
Comedy and the Rise of Rome
ISBN: 9780199290284
Comedy and the Rise of Rome in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Matthew Leigh; OUP Oxford; 2004)
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WorldCat: 476258610
Comic Angels and Other Approaches to Greek Drama through Vase-Paintings
ISBN: 9780198147978
Comic Angels and Other Approaches to Greek Drama through Vase-Paintings in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Oliver Taplin; Oxford University Press; 1993)
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WorldCat: 814476440
Comic Business: Theatricality, Dramatic Technique, and Performance Contexts of Aristophanic Comedy
ISBN: 9780198152712
Comic Business: Theatricality, Dramatic Technique, and Performance Contexts of Aristophanic Comedy in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Revermann, Martin; Oxford University Press; 2006)
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WorldCat: 137238288
Comic Relief: Nietzsche's Gay Science
ISBN: 9780195126914
Comic Relief: Nietzsche's Gay Science in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Higgins, Kathleen Marie; Oxford University Press, USA; 2000)
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WorldCat: 560170266
Commentary on Horace, A: Odes Book III
ISBN: 9780199263141
Commentary on Horace, A: Odes Book III in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Nisbet, R.G.M.; Rudd, Niall; Oxford University Press, USA; 2004)
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WorldCat: 252667039
Commentary on Horace, A: Odes, Book I
ISBN: 9780198149149
Commentary on Horace, A: Odes, Book I in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Nisbet, R.G.M.; Hubbard, Margaret; Oxford University Press; 1970)
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WorldCat: 1027131104
Commentary on Livy Books VI-X, A: Volume IV: Book X
ISBN: 9780199272563
Commentary on Livy Books VI-X, A: Volume IV: Book X in ProQuest Ebook Central - Oxford eBooks (purchased) (Oakley, S.P.; Oxford University Press; 2005)
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WorldCat: 1027155929