ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased)
Women writing the neo-Victorian novel : erotic ""Victorians""
ISBN: 9783030482862
Women writing the neo-Victorian novel : erotic ""Victorians"" in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Renk, Kathleen J., 1952-; Palgrave Macmillan; 2020)
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WorldCat: 1182514418
Women's economic thought in the Romantic age : towards a transdisciplinary herstory of economic thought (Routledge IAFFE advances in feminist economics)
ISBN: 9780367074265
Women's economic thought in the Romantic age : towards a transdisciplinary herstory of economic thought (Routledge IAFFE advances in feminist economics) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Rostek, Joanna; Routledge; 2020)
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WorldCat: 1195815843
Women's fight : the Civil War's battles for home, freedom, and nation (The Littlefield history of the Civil War era), The
ISBN: 9781469653655
Women's fight : the Civil War's battles for home, freedom, and nation (The Littlefield history of the Civil War era), The in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Glymph, Thavolia, 1951-; Chapel Hill : The University of North Carolina Press; 2020)
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WorldCat: 1129235611
Women, leisure and tourism : self-actualization and empowerment through the production and consumption of experience
ISBN: 9781789247992
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WorldCat: 1264738469
Women, Race, & Class
ISBN: 9780307798497
Women, Race, & Class in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Davis, Angela Y.; Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group; 2011)
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WorldCat: 1159776733
Women, sustainable entrepreneurship and the economy : a global perspective (Women and sustainable business)
ISBN: 9780815381624
Women, sustainable entrepreneurship and the economy : a global perspective (Women and sustainable business) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Routledge; 2020)
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WorldCat: 1127918414
Word Processing in Groups
ISBN: 9780867202441
Word Processing in Groups in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Epstein, D. B. A.; A K Peters/CRC Press; 1992)
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WorldCat: 1034988937
Work organization and methods engineering for productivity
ISBN: 9780128203927
Work organization and methods engineering for productivity in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Kiran, D. R.; Butterworth-Heinemann; 2020)
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WorldCat: 1141029486
Work pray code : when work becomes religion in Silicon Valley
ISBN: 9780691220871
Work pray code : when work becomes religion in Silicon Valley in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Chen, Carolyn, 1971-; Princeton University Press; 2022)
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WorldCat: 1290483937
Work stress and coping : forces of change and challenges
ISBN: 9781526421661
Work stress and coping : forces of change and challenges in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Dewe, Philip; SAGE Publications; 2017)
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WorldCat: 988084224
Work! : a queer history of modeling
ISBN: 9781478000334
Work! : a queer history of modeling in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Brown, Elspeth H., 1961-; Duke University Press; 2019)
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WorldCat: 1079410751
Working More Creatively with Groups
ISBN: 9780415230384
Working More Creatively with Groups in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Benson, Jarlath F.; Taylor & Francis; 2000)
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WorldCat: 559979395
Working Women in Canada : An Intersectional Approach
ISBN: 9780889616028
Working Women in Canada : An Intersectional Approach in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Nichols, Leslie; Canadian Scholars; 2019)
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WorldCat: 1193124664
Workshop of the world : essays in people's history
ISBN: 9781804292822
Workshop of the world : essays in people's history in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Samuel, Raphael; London : Verso; 2024)
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WorldCat: 1382694887
World Turned Upside Down : Social Ecological Approaches to Children in War Zones
ISBN: 9781565492257
World Turned Upside Down : Social Ecological Approaches to Children in War Zones in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Boothby, Neil; Lynne Rienner Publishers; 2006)
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WorldCat: 427508666
World-making renaissance women : rethinking early modern women's place in literature and culture
ISBN: 9781108912396
World-making renaissance women : rethinking early modern women's place in literature and culture in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Cambridge University Press; 2022)
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WorldCat: 1258041527
Worldmaking after empire : the rise and fall of self-determination
ISBN: 9780691179155
Worldmaking after empire : the rise and fall of self-determination in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Getachew, Adom; Princeton University Press; 2019)
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WorldCat: 1061092243
Worn out : how retailers surveil and exploit workers in the digital age and how workers are fighting back (Labor and technology)
ISBN: 9780262372770
Worn out : how retailers surveil and exploit workers in the digital age and how workers are fighting back (Labor and technology) in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Van Oort, Madison; The MIT Press; 2023)
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WorldCat: 1348498458
Writing a business plan : a practical guide
Writing a business plan : a practical guide in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Ekanem, Ignatius; Routledge; 2017)
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WorldCat: 992729231
Writing Mary I : history, historiography, and fiction (Queenship and power)
ISBN: 9783030951320
Writing Mary I : history, historiography, and fiction (Queenship and power) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Palgrave Macmillan; 2022)
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WorldCat: 1317830973
Yoga for Lawyers : Mind-Body Techniques to Feel Better All the Time
ISBN: 9781627225243
Yoga for Lawyers : Mind-Body Techniques to Feel Better All the Time in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Love, Hallie Neuman; American Bar Association; 2015)
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WorldCat: 959848824
You and your profile identity after authenticity
ISBN: 9780231551595
You and your profile identity after authenticity in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Moeller, Hans-Georg, 1964-; Columbia University Press; 2021)
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WorldCat: 1198989803
Young people re-generating politics in times of crises (Palgrave studies in young people and politics)
ISBN: 9783319582504
Young people re-generating politics in times of crises (Palgrave studies in young people and politics) in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan; 2018)
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WorldCat: 999606867
Your boss is an algorithm : artificial intelligence, platform work and labour
ISBN: 9781509953202
Your boss is an algorithm : artificial intelligence, platform work and labour in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Aloisi, Antonio, 1989-; Hart Publishing; 2022)
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WorldCat: 1291220718
Your stone age brain in the screen age : coping with digital distraction and sensory overload
ISBN: 9780262379106
Your stone age brain in the screen age : coping with digital distraction and sensory overload in ProQuest Ebook Central - Selected Titles (purchased) (Cytowic, Richard E.; Cambridge, Massachusetts : The MIT Press; 2024)
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WorldCat: 1428215684
Youth as architects of social change : global efforts to advance youth-driven innovation
ISBN: 9783319662749
Youth as architects of social change : global efforts to advance youth-driven innovation in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Palgrave Macmillan; 2017)
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WorldCat: 1015335569
Youth Suicide and Bullying : Challenges and Strategies for Prevention and Intervention
ISBN: 9780199950706
Youth Suicide and Bullying : Challenges and Strategies for Prevention and Intervention in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Goldblum, Peter; Oxford University Press USA; 2014)
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WorldCat: 892911273
Youth work : an institutional ethnography of youth homelessness
ISBN: 9781442647435
Youth work : an institutional ethnography of youth homelessness in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Nichols, Naomi, 1978-; University of Toronto Press; 2014)
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WorldCat: 891590980
�Si?, ella puede! : the rhetorical legacy of Dolores Huerta and the United Farm Workers (Inter-America series)
ISBN: 9781477317686
�Si?, ella puede! : the rhetorical legacy of Dolores Huerta and the United Farm Workers (Inter-America series) in ProQuest Ebook Central Selected Titles (purchased) (Sowards, Stacey K.; University of Texas Press; 2019)
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WorldCat: 1078783323