Sex and Sexuality: Module I
[Letter asking for advice on problems with nocturnal emissions, masturbation, and epileptic seizures]
[Letter asking for advice on problems with nocturnal emissions, masturbation, and epileptic seizures] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (Kinsey, Alfred C; 1950)
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WorldCat: 1139823441
[Letter asking for advice on publication of a chapter on health and hygiene]
[Letter asking for advice on publication of a chapter on health and hygiene] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (Kinsey, Alfred C; 1946)
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WorldCat: 1139825370
[Letter asking for advice on resisting pre-marital sex]
[Letter asking for advice on resisting pre-marital sex] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (Kinsey, Alfred C; 1948)
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WorldCat: 1139810631
[Letter asking for advice on sexual adjustment in marriage]
[Letter asking for advice on sexual adjustment in marriage] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (Kinsey, Alfred C; 1949)
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WorldCat: 1139808335
[Letter asking for advice on someone's lover shaking until they embrace]
[Letter asking for advice on someone's lover shaking until they embrace] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (Kinsey, Alfred C; 1954)
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WorldCat: 1139806547
[Letter asking for advice on studying at The Kinsey Institute]
[Letter asking for advice on studying at The Kinsey Institute] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (1956)
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WorldCat: 1139818931
[Letter asking for advice on their husband wearing women's undergarments and lipstick]
[Letter asking for advice on their husband wearing women's undergarments and lipstick] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (Kinsey, Alfred C; 1953)
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WorldCat: 1139810638
[Letter asking for advice on treating trichomonas]
[Letter asking for advice on treating trichomonas] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (Kinsey, . Alfred C.; 1959)
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WorldCat: 1139807571
[Letter asking for advice on wife's painful breasts]
[Letter asking for advice on wife's painful breasts] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (Pomeroy, Wardell B; 1958)
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WorldCat: 1139823801
[Letter asking for advice to increase wife's desire for sexual intercourse after sexual abuse]
[Letter asking for advice to increase wife's desire for sexual intercourse after sexual abuse] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (Pomeroy, Wardell B; 1956)
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WorldCat: 1139806511
[Letter asking for American literature and data on circumcision]
[Letter asking for American literature and data on circumcision] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (Kinsey, Alfred C; 1953)
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WorldCat: 1139823662
[Letter asking for an address from Kinsey at a banquet]
[Letter asking for an address from Kinsey at a banquet] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (1947)
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WorldCat: 1139818017
[Letter asking for an appointment with Kinsey]
[Letter asking for an appointment with Kinsey] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (Kinsey, Alfred C; 1953)
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WorldCat: 1139810298
[Letter asking for an autograph for a personal collection]
[Letter asking for an autograph for a personal collection] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (Kinsey, Alfred C; 1953)
Permitted Use | Collection record | Purchased multi-user unlimited access
WorldCat: 1139809964
[Letter asking for an autographed photo of Kinsey, and offering some data on female orgasms]
[Letter asking for an autographed photo of Kinsey, and offering some data on female orgasms] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (Kinsey, Alfred C; 1953)
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WorldCat: 1143459681
[Letter asking for an autographed photo of Kinsey]
[Letter asking for an autographed photo of Kinsey] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (Kinsey, Alfred C; 1954)
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WorldCat: 1139806987
[Letter asking for an opinion on French kissing]
[Letter asking for an opinion on French kissing] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (Kinsey, Alfred C; 1952)
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WorldCat: 1139818174
[Letter asking for an opinion on the credibility of another author in the field]
[Letter asking for an opinion on the credibility of another author in the field] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (Kinsey, Alfred C; 1954)
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WorldCat: 1139831037
[Letter asking for an outline of material from a presentation on human sex behavior]
[Letter asking for an outline of material from a presentation on human sex behavior] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (Kinsey, Alfred C; 1947)
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WorldCat: 1139818835
[Letter asking for an update on the copying of film]
[Letter asking for an update on the copying of film] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (Gebhard, Paul H; 1958)
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WorldCat: 1139806678
[Letter asking for assistance in locating research material]
[Letter asking for assistance in locating research material] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (1958)
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WorldCat: 1139818089
[Letter asking for assistance in obtaining copies of research relating to sexual psychopath laws]
Permitted Use | Collection record | Purchased multi-user unlimited access
WorldCat: 1139810155
[Letter asking for assistance in obtaining histories in Cleveland]
[Letter asking for assistance in obtaining histories in Cleveland] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (Kinsey, Alfred C; 1944)
Permitted Use | Collection record | Purchased multi-user unlimited access
WorldCat: 1139809721
[Letter asking for assistance in obtaining reprints or pamphlets about Kinsey's research]
Permitted Use | Collection record | Purchased multi-user unlimited access
WorldCat: 1139824369
[Letter asking for assistance with research]
[Letter asking for assistance with research] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I ()
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WorldCat: 1139829642
[Letter asking for better methods of house cleaning and organization]
[Letter asking for better methods of house cleaning and organization] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (1956)
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WorldCat: 1139810460
[Letter asking for bibliographical information on the title 'Cleopatra's Scrapbook']
[Letter asking for bibliographical information on the title 'Cleopatra's Scrapbook'] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (Gebhard, Paul H; 1958)
Permitted Use | Collection record | Purchased multi-user unlimited access
WorldCat: 1139832858
[Letter asking for biographical material about Kinsey for a reference work]
Permitted Use | Collection record | Purchased multi-user unlimited access
WorldCat: 1139824484
[Letter asking for book recommendations on the subject of male and female sexual behavior]
[Letter asking for book recommendations on the subject of male and female sexual behavior] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (Kinsey, Alfred C; 1951)
Permitted Use | Collection record | Purchased multi-user unlimited access
WorldCat: 1139806604
[Letter asking for books on sex and marriage]
[Letter asking for books on sex and marriage] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (1953)
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WorldCat: 1139833832
[Letter asking for career advice]
[Letter asking for career advice] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (Kinsey, Alfred C; 1953)
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WorldCat: 1139810538
[Letter asking for comments on an advance reading copy of a book]
[Letter asking for comments on an advance reading copy of a book] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (Kinsey, Alfred C; 1954)
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WorldCat: 1139809336
[Letter asking for contacts for histories in human sex behavior]
[Letter asking for contacts for histories in human sex behavior] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (Kinsey, Alfred C; 1945)
Permitted Use | Collection record | Purchased multi-user unlimited access
WorldCat: 1139823491
[Letter asking for copies of a portrait from an article]
[Letter asking for copies of a portrait from an article] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (1956)
Permitted Use | Collection record | Purchased multi-user unlimited access
WorldCat: 1139810744
[Letter asking for copies of a report and the questionnaires used for a study on Human Sex Behavior, with special reference to a certain group of boys]
[Letter asking for copies of a report and the questionnaires used for a study on Human Sex Behavior, with special reference to a certain group of boys] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (Kinsey, Alfred C; 1943)
Permitted Use | Collection record | Purchased multi-user unlimited access
WorldCat: 1139810453
[Letter asking for copies of Kinsey's articles and book]
[Letter asking for copies of Kinsey's articles and book] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (Kinsey, Alfred C; 1947)
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WorldCat: 1139824575
[Letter asking for copies of work by George Tooker]
[Letter asking for copies of work by George Tooker] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (Kinsey, Alfred C; 1950)
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WorldCat: 1139823790
[Letter asking for criticism of a proposed code sheet for interviews]
[Letter asking for criticism of a proposed code sheet for interviews] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (Pomeroy, Wardell B; 1959)
Permitted Use | Collection record | Purchased multi-user unlimited access
WorldCat: 1139806452
[Letter asking for data about the rates of anti-social behavior in children of divorced marriages]
[Letter asking for data about the rates of anti-social behavior in children of divorced marriages] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (Kinsey, Alfred C; 1956)
Permitted Use | Collection record | Purchased multi-user unlimited access
WorldCat: 1139808390
[Letter asking for data for a hypothesis that animals will kill other weaker or different animals]
[Letter asking for data for a hypothesis that animals will kill other weaker or different animals] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (Kinsey, Alfred C; 1952)
Permitted Use | Collection record | Purchased multi-user unlimited access
WorldCat: 1139824411
[Letter asking for data on Communists]
[Letter asking for data on Communists] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (Kinsey, Alfred C; 1953)
Permitted Use | Collection record | Purchased multi-user unlimited access
WorldCat: 1139823557
[Letter asking for data on female sexual behavior]
[Letter asking for data on female sexual behavior] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (Gebhard, Paul H; 1969)
Permitted Use | Collection record | Purchased multi-user unlimited access
WorldCat: 1139822698
[Letter asking for data on the frequency of oral and anal sex in licit relations compared to illicit relations]
[Letter asking for data on the frequency of oral and anal sex in licit relations compared to illicit relations] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (Pomeroy, Wardell B; 1959)
Permitted Use | Collection record | Purchased multi-user unlimited access
WorldCat: 1139808370
[Letter asking for data on the male genitalia]
[Letter asking for data on the male genitalia] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (Kinsey, Alfred C; 1953)
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WorldCat: 1139830414
[Letter asking for data on the sexual activities of other animals]
[Letter asking for data on the sexual activities of other animals] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (Kinsey, Alfred C; 1953)
Permitted Use | Collection record | Purchased multi-user unlimited access
WorldCat: 1139810570
[Letter asking for data on the sexual attitudes of children]
[Letter asking for data on the sexual attitudes of children] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (Kinsey, Alfred C; 1954)
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WorldCat: 1139809115
[Letter asking for data on the use of douches before sex to be used to win a divorce case]
[Letter asking for data on the use of douches before sex to be used to win a divorce case] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (Gebhard, Paul H; 1956)
Permitted Use | Collection record | Purchased multi-user unlimited access
WorldCat: 1139822908
[Letter asking for data regarding fertility rates of women]
[Letter asking for data regarding fertility rates of women] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (Gebhard, Paul H; 1959)
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WorldCat: 1139806396
[Letter asking for data regarding impotence and diabetes]
[Letter asking for data regarding impotence and diabetes] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (Kinsey, Alfred C; 1954)
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WorldCat: 1139823172
[Letter asking for data regarding premarital sex with women in college]
[Letter asking for data regarding premarital sex with women in college] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (Kinsey, . Alfred C.; 1951)
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WorldCat: 1139807778