Sex and Sexuality: Module I
[Letters discussing a session entitled 'Communication between the Sexes']
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WorldCat: 1139834160
[Letters discussing a sex education program]
[Letters discussing a sex education program] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (1948)
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WorldCat: 1139824053
[Letters discussing a story on the poverty program in Eastern Kentucky]
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WorldCat: 1139833176
[Letters discussing a study of sexual behavior of Indian men and women]
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WorldCat: 1139832654
[Letters discussing a study of social, cultural, and psychological unwell of the American Seaman]
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WorldCat: 1139812013
[Letters discussing a survey of sexual behavior amongst students, of interest to a French magazine]
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WorldCat: 1139832809
[Letters discussing a visit made to the Institute for Sex Research to inform a program for sex offenders in Oregon]
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WorldCat: 1139832817
[Letters discussing a visit planned to the Institute for Sex Research]
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WorldCat: 1139822958
[Letters discussing Ambi or bisexuality]
[Letters discussing Ambi or bisexuality] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (1969)
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WorldCat: 1139833401
[Letters discussing an analysis of sex offender research]
[Letters discussing an analysis of sex offender research] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (1960)
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WorldCat: 1139811481
[Letters discussing an article entitled 'Sex in America' published in a German publication]
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WorldCat: 1139816470
[Letters discussing an article entitled 'The Novel and the Neurosis: Two Victorian Case Histories']
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WorldCat: 1139807978
[Letters discussing an article on diseases, and suggesting to include a specialist session, devoted to the history of sexual attitudes in western civilizations to the next Summer Program]
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WorldCat: 1139806838
[Letters discussing an article to be written on human sexuality for 'Muscle Magazines']
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WorldCat: 1139807850
[Letters discussing an attempt to invalidate Section 288 :a: of the California Penal Code, prohibiting oral copulation]
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WorldCat: 1139806784
[Letters discussing an English translation of Simone de Beauvoir's study of women, 'The Second Sex']
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WorldCat: 1139823329
[Letters discussing an experience in the Catskills]
[Letters discussing an experience in the Catskills] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (1962)
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WorldCat: 1139812749
[Letters discussing an individual's will bequeathing to finance the research of homosexuality]
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WorldCat: 1139833260
[Letters discussing an interview schedule to be made available after a study of homosexuality is complete]
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WorldCat: 1139816406
[Letters discussing an interview, and recommending that same sex interviewers be used in future instances]
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WorldCat: 1139824054
[Letters discussing an invitation to appear on the Joel A Spivak Show]
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WorldCat: 1139833235
[Letters discussing an invitation to take part in a news-interview program, 'People in the News']
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WorldCat: 1139831492
[Letters discussing an unfinished analysis of a college youth study]
[Letters discussing an unfinished analysis of a college youth study] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (1970)
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WorldCat: 1139811351
[Letters discussing arrangements for a visit to the Institute for Sex Research]
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WorldCat: 1139811482
[Letters discussing articles published on the clitoris and female genital mutilations]
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WorldCat: 1139833172
[Letters discussing average sixes of male genitalia, and research around penis size and sperm quality]
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WorldCat: 1139825221
[Letters discussing books and articles published by Institute for Sex Research staff]
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WorldCat: 1139806811
[Letters discussing books and articles written by staff at the Institute for Sex Research]
[Letters discussing books and articles written by staff at the Institute for Sex Research] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (Johnson, Alan B; 1970)
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WorldCat: 1139830815
[Letters discussing books referencing homosexuality in various religions]
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WorldCat: 1139825373
[Letters discussing cases of 'transsexualism']
[Letters discussing cases of 'transsexualism'] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (1971)
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WorldCat: 1139809482
[Letters discussing categories of female orgasm]
[Letters discussing categories of female orgasm] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (1951)
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WorldCat: 1139806455
[Letters discussing Catholic positions on birth control and human evolution]
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WorldCat: 1139815412
[Letters discussing censorships experienced at a unnamed Western University]
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WorldCat: 1139807137
[Letters discussing claims that the Kinsey Report cannot be used on the screen]
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WorldCat: 1139829555
[Letters discussing clippings donated to the Institute for Sex Research on the subjects of sexual behavior, sexual abuse and censorship]
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WorldCat: 1139816426
[Letters discussing collectors of pornography]
[Letters discussing collectors of pornography] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (1968)
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WorldCat: 1139807918
[Letters discussing comment on perceived assumptions made around female sexual experience and responsiveness in 'Sexual Behavior in the Human Male']
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WorldCat: 1139831979
[Letters discussing concerns about marriage]
[Letters discussing concerns about marriage] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (1939)
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WorldCat: 1139825183
[Letters discussing contemporary sex habits of Americans]
[Letters discussing contemporary sex habits of Americans] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (1969)
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WorldCat: 1139824786
[Letters discussing contributions to 'Human Biology' and administrative affairs of the American Association for the Advancement of Science]
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WorldCat: 1139807102
[Letters discussing copies of the Law Enforcement Study Center's booklets on suicide and mental health]
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WorldCat: 1139834118
[Letters discussing courses offered on Human Sexuality in Bloomington]
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WorldCat: 1139824793
[Letters discussing criticisms of 'Sexual Behavior in the Human Female']
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WorldCat: 1139807224
[Letters discussing degrees offered at Indiana University]
[Letters discussing degrees offered at Indiana University] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (1979)
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WorldCat: 1139810949
[Letters discussing determining factors in the sex of humans]
[Letters discussing determining factors in the sex of humans] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (1954)
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WorldCat: 1139831950
[Letters discussing difficulties of engaging in coitus in family homes where children are present]
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WorldCat: 1139810610
[Letters discussing dissertation literature on the subjects of pregnancy, birth and abortion]
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WorldCat: 1139832795
[Letters discussing Dr Kinsey's Marriage course and related published works]
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WorldCat: 1139833060
[Letters discussing ejaculation]
[Letters discussing ejaculation] in Sex and Sexuality: Module I (1952)
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WorldCat: 1143468309
[Letters discussing entrance requirements for studying sexuality at the Institute for Sex Research]
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WorldCat: 1139833219