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Reference Tools

UNB subscribes to a substantial collection of print and electronic reference tools (dictionaries, encyclopaedias, handbooks, guides, and standards) in the field of Business.

To find additional reference materials, check our Reference Materials database.

Key Resources

  • Blue Book of Canadian Business Online (CBR : Canadian business resource)
    The Canadian Business Resource a.k.a. the "Blue Book" is a Canadian company and business directory. The Blue Book eResource is updated several times per week. The Corporate and Executive Profiles are freely available on the Blue Book website, but the Company records are only available by subscription.Each company record includes:• contact information• officers' and directors' names• brief company description• financial data• NAICS codes• direct links to email and website addresses• direct links to press releases, stock analysis, and investment information.• results of database queries are exportable in csv format individually or in bulk.
  • Scott's Directories - Atlantic Business (Pinpointer version)
    Scott’s Directories is Canada's leading B2B business database. Scott's features Canadian manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, industrial and B2B services organizations, institutions and associations. The Directory enables you to quickly and easily identify high-value companies and contacts. Scott's is also a comprehensive source of prospective employers for job seekers. With over 175,000 detailed company profiles and over 330,000 executive contacts, Scott's is your best source for making meaningful connections with the right professionals for your business needs.
    Subscribed multi-user unlimited access
  • Canadian key business directory [HIL-REF HF3223 .C24 ]
  • Encyclopedia of Emerging Industries

    Provides information about the inception, emergence and current status of new and established industries and business segments that are pioneering new technologies, introducing break-through marketing strategies or implementing innovative means of serving new markets. Consists of detailed profiles of newer industries such as biometrics, risk management services, satellites, specialty tourism, and others.

  • Business plans handbook : a compilation of business plans developed by individuals throughout North America
    "Actual business plans compiled by, and aimed at, entrepreneurs seeking funding for small businesses. Presents sample plans taken from businesses in the manufacturing, retail and service industries which serve as examples of how to approach, structure and compose business plans."
    Purchased multi-user unlimited access | v. 24 2012-Current
  • 2016 almanac of business and industrial financial ratios [HIL-REF HF5681 .R25 W55 2015 ]
  • FP survey, industrials [HIL-REF HG5151 .F56 ]

    The two most recent editions are shelved in HIL-REF; the rest are in HIL-STACKS.

  • Guide to Canadian manufacturers = Guide des fabricants canadiens [HIL-REF HF3223 .G84]

    Current volumes held in HIL-REF.

  • Canadian trade index [HIL-REF HF3223 .C25]
  • Business-to-Business Marketing 2018-2019 (United States)

    RKMA Market Research Handbook

  • Wiley Encyclopedia of Management
    This title is part of the Wiley/Blackwell Reference Online e-book collection available through the Wiley Online Library.
    Permitted Use | Purchased multi-user unlimited access
  • A Dictionary of Business and Management (6 ed.)
    "This dictionary is a wide-ranging and informative guide to all aspects of modern business, which will prove indispensable to both students and professionals. There is broad coverage of marketing, taxation and accounting, investments, banking, and international finance. It includes up-to-date coverage on all aspects of management, including business strategy, organizational behaviour, human resources management, and operations management. The vocabulary of e-commerce and interactive marketing are key features of this edition."
    Collection limited to subscribed 5-user access

Additional Resources

  • Directory of directors [HIL-REF HG4090 .Z5 D46 ]

    The latest three years are in HIL-REF. Older volumes are shelved in HIL-STACKS.

  • Who owns whom. North & South America [HIL-REF HG4538 .W423 ]

    The most recent edition is available in HIL-REF. The 1998/99 - 2007/08 editions are shelved in HIL-STACKS.

  • NAICS desk reference : The North American Industry Classification System desk reference [HIL-REF HF1041.5 .N35 2000]

    Developed by JIST Editors based on data from the U.S. Office of Management and Budget Ideal reference for professionals in law, banking, insurance, and other fields -- provides the classification information most organizations need in a compact, organized format that helps people pinpoint the information fast.

  • Canadian & American mines handbook [HIL-REF HG5159 .M5 C3]
  • Directory of business information resources [HIL-REF HF54.52 .U5 D567 2015 ]

    The Directory of Business Information Resources offers a complete picture of the information resources needed to participate effectively in a chosen industry.

  • Wiley/Blackwell Reference Online
    Wiley/Blackwell Reference Online "is a vast new online library giving instant access to the most authoritative and up-to-date scholarship across the humanities and social sciences. With more than 350 reference volumes to be published in Blackwell Reference Online by the end of 2008, it is the largest academic reference collection available online and includes the critically-acclaimed Blackwell Companions and Handbooks, major reference works such as the Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management and the Companion to Syntax, and a whole host of other valuable reference materials such as dictionaries, encyclopedias and concise companions."
  • New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics
    The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics is the key scholarly reference tool for economics. It offers access to over 3,000 articles written by leading figures in the field and is updated on a continual basis.
  • Undata
    The UNdata database (formerly the United Nations Common Database (UNCDB)) provides access to selected statistical sources from a wide range of UN organizations including the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the International Labour Organization (ILO), UNICEF, UNESCO, and the World Health Organization (WHO). In addition, the UNCDB features databases from other international organizations such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the Inter-Parliamentary Union.


  • Headshot photo of librarian Phil Taber.
  • Phil Taber (he/him)
  • I am on parental leave until July 2025, please contact David Ross for assistance and referral while I am on leave.
  • Business/Hum. and Lang. Librarian
  • UNB Saint John

Last modified on September 10, 2024 16:20